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  1. ⚡ How to a Create Customer Group and enable Third Party Billing?

  2. ⚡ How to add a serialized inventory item to Transfer Order

  3. ⚡ How to connect RepairDesk with Zapier and automate Legwork

  4. ⚡ How to create a Special Parts Order for a Non-catalogued Part?

  5. ⚡ How to create a Transfer Order using Low Stock Report?

  6. ⚡ How to process an Exchange in RepairDesk?

  7. ⚡ How to Process the Warranty Claim for a Repair Part?

  8. ⚡ How to set warranty for a repair part?

  9. ⚡ How to set warranty for a repair service?

  10. ⚡ How to transfer inventory from one store to another

  11. ⚡How to Manage New Handsets and Sell them on RepairDesk

  12. 🎓 Device

  13. 🎓 Difference: Inventory Item and Service Item

  14. 🎓 Difference: Warranty Claim for a Service and Warranty Claim for a Part

  15. 🎓 Inventory Item

  16. 🎓 Repair

  17. 🎓 Serialized Inventory Item

  18. 🎓 Special Part and Special Part Order

  19. 🎓 Warranty

  20. 🎓 Zapier

  21. 💬 Refund/Exchange

  22. 💬 Serialized Inventory

  23. 💬 Special Part Order

  24. 💬 Transfer Inventory

  25. 💬 Warranty

  26. 📖 Adding a New Inventory Item

  27. 📖 Managing Serialized Inventory

  28. Advanced Search Option in RepairDesk POS

  29. Asset Management

  30. Automated SMS with Store Directions

  31. Avalara Integration

  32. B2B Mail-in Customer Portal

  33. Balaji Wireless Integration

  34. Billable Hours

  35. Billing

  36. Bulk Repair Services Price Editor

  37. Business KPIs

  38. Buy and Sell Pre-Owned Devices Using BuyBack Widget

  39. BuyBacks / Trade-In

  40. Campaigner: How can I send follow up emails to customers?

  41. Can I add new inventory items from POS?

  42. Can I Change Service Receipt Layout?

  43. Can I change/ edit Invoice number?

  44. Can I create a duplicate invoice?

  45. Can I get notifications when a Ticket is assigned to me?

  46. Can I pause/ hold a customer order and reopen it later?

  47. Can I search any particular customer from the list?

  48. Can I search any specific ticket?

  49. Can I send ticket updates to the customer?

  50. Can I track call logs in ticket view?

  51. Can I update/ edit an existing ticket's details?

  52. Cash Drawer

  53. Cash In/Out History Report

  54. Configuration

  55. Creating Categories, Brands and Models

  56. Custom Fields

  57. Custom Fields Against Customers

  58. Customer Portal

  59. Customer Self Service Check-In Widget

  60. Damage Part Report

  61. Deposits / Bench Fee

  62. Difference in Sales Reports

  63. Direct Print Integration-RepairDesk Printer (For MacOS)

  64. Direct Print Integration-RepairDesk Printer (For Windows)

  65. Dual Tax Rate Support For Canada & Peru

  66. DYMO LabelWriter 450 Setup

  67. Editing and adding an Repair Service

  68. Editing Appointments

  69. Email Configuration

  70. Employee Activity Log

  71. Employee and Store KPIs

  72. Employee Clock In / Clock Out

  73. Employee Commission Breakdown Report

  74. Employee Dashboard

  75. Employee Payroll Report

  76. Employee Productivity Report

  77. Employee Reports

  78. Enabling Desktop Notification

  79. Enter Access PIN before creating an invoice or adding a payment

  80. Enter PIN before an employee can create repair ticket

  81. EPSON Printer Direct Integration

  82. Estimate Module

  83. FAQ's

  84. Feedback Module

  85. Franchise Fee Setup

  86. Frequently Asked Questions - FAQs

  87. Getting Started To RepairDesk Connect

  88. Getting Started with Appointments Pro

  89. Getting started with Marketplace

  90. Getting Started with RepairDesk

  91. Gratuity Report

  92. How to Auto generate SKU/UPC code ?

  93. How to make it compulsory to add network,device location and passcode while making repair ticket?

  94. How can I add a device location?

  95. How can I add a new item to inventory?

  96. How can I add and manage Network Carriers?

  97. How can I add company registration number (ABN, ACN or VAT) on an invoice?

  98. How can I add customer information on new ticket?

  99. How can I add Device Location?

  100. How Can I Add Items to POS Basket?

  101. How can I add or update customer information from POS?

  102. How can I add repair device details on new ticket?

  103. How can I Add Terms & Conditions on Receipts, Invoices and Signatures?

  104. How can I add unlocking device details on new ticket?

  105. How can I add/edit customer to an invoice?

  106. How can I assign tax to any inventory item?

  107. How can I change decimal separator in RepairDesk?

  108. How can I change the default view of the purchase order listing?

  109. How can I change what is displayed on Purchase Orders?

  110. How Can I Create a New Purchase Order?

  111. How Can I Create and Manage an Estimate?

  112. How can I Create and Manage Inquiries in RepairDesk?

  113. How can I customize my invoice, ticket label, receipt, and estimate templates?

  114. How can I edit an existing purchase order?

  115. How can I edit customer details?

  116. How can I edit or customize Invoice design?

  117. How can I enable Textlocal SMS API?

  118. How can I export CSV file of existing inventory items?

  119. How Can I Export Repair Tickets To Excel Format?

  120. How Can I Export Repair Tickets To Excel Format?

  121. How can I generate and print Barcode for tangible inventory items?

  122. How Can I Import Multiple Inventory Items in RepairDesk ?

  123. How Can I Integrate MailChimp with RepairDesk?

  124. How Can I Integrate QuickBooks with RepairDesk?

  125. How can I link inventory parts with ticket repair item?

  126. How can I manage invoices in RepairDesk?

  127. How can I manage my purchase order statuses?

  128. How can I manage my suppliers?

  129. How can I manage order status ?

  130. How can I process refund/exchange in RepairDesk?

  131. How Can I Process Warranty Claim for Repair Parts?

  132. How can I save an android phone pattern lock?

  133. How can I send Invoice via email?

  134. How can I send Job alerts via SMS Using SMS Global ?

  135. How Can I Send Multiple Invoice Reminder to Customers?

  136. How can I set serial as the default input field when creating a ticket?

  137. How Can I Setup Employee Commission?

  138. How can I setup Repair Tracker Widget?

  139. How can I Setup SMS Broadcast API?

  140. How can I show inventory item on POS?

  141. How can I start and end shift?

  142. How can i track Auto generated Email from Manage Tickets and lead section?

  143. How can I update account password?

  144. How can I update item from the list on POS?

  145. How can I update or delete an inventory item?

  146. How can I update store profile?

  147. How can I upload pictures for inventory items?

  148. How can I use PrintNode?

  149. How can I view all the order details of any customer?

  150. How can I view all the previous orders from POS?

  151. How can I view all the tickets?

  152. How can I view complete ticket details?

  153. How can I view history of specific serialized inventory item?

  154. How did you hear about us report ?

  155. How do I add a new customer?

  156. How do I add a new product on invoice?

  157. How do I add a payment?

  158. How do i adjust inventory through Inventory Adjustment?

  159. How do I change ticket numbers?

  160. How do I create an invoice from ticket screen?

  161. How do I download an invoice in PDF Format?

  162. How do I enable 2 way SMS at Clickatell SMS Gateway?

  163. How do I enable Clickatell SMS Gateway?

  164. How do I manage customers?

  165. How do I manage repairs?

  166. How do I print an invoice?

  167. How do I process a refund?

  168. How do I set Employee Roles and Permissions in RepairDesk?

  169. How does RepairDesk calculate profit on a repair?

  170. How Does RMA Work?

  171. How does the Inventory Count functionality work?

  172. How does the inventory section work?

  173. How does the POS section work?

  174. How does ticket section works?

  175. How to add a currency?

  176. How to Add a New User or Extension in 3CX

  177. How to add a Voicemail Greeting Message using the 3CX management console

  178. How to Add an Employee Account?

  179. How to add customer info if I receive unknown call?

  180. How to add device pre/post repair condition?

  181. How to add diagnostic notes to tickets and invoices?

  182. How to Add Greeting Message?

  183. How To Add Internal Notes?

  184. How To Add Multiple SKU's?

  185. How to add new manufacturer?

  186. How to Add Notes against Customers?

  187. How to Add Notes to Customer Profile?

  188. How to Add Payment Method?

  189. How to Add Pre/Post Conditions of Trade-In Devices?

  190. How to add Staff comments?

  191. How to apply a discount in RepairDesk POS

  192. How to charge tax on part cost or retail price only?

  193. How to Connect Google Business Profile to RepairDesk Connect?

  194. How to Convert / Move Trade-In Item to Serialized Inventory

  195. How to Convert/Move Trade-In Item to Serialized Inventory?

  196. How to copy the original ticket notes into the warranty repair ticket?

  197. How to Count Trade in Items Under Inventory Count Module?

  198. How to Create A New Task Type?

  199. How to Create a Queue?

  200. How to create a repair ticket?

  201. How to create a Ring Group?

  202. How to create an invoice, take payment and add payment methods?

  203. How to create invoice for an existing repair ticket using POS

  204. How to create or add new store location?

  205. How to Create RMA for Tickets From the Tickets Screen?

  206. How to delete a repair ticket?

  207. How To Disable Auto Create Inventory Across Multi Store?

  208. How to display time in 12 or 24 hour format in RepairDesk?

  209. How to edit inventory label template?

  210. How to Embed an iFrame Code in WordPress?

  211. How to Enable Repair Categories on POS?

  212. How to enable Safeware integration in Repairdesk?

  213. How To Enter & Track Expenses via Expense Management Module?

  214. How to fetch the Voicemail from the IP Phone configured with 3CX?

  215. How to Filter or Search Conversations in RepairDesk Connect

  216. How To Flag Notes Against a Customer Profile?

  217. How to generate a Review link for your Google Profile

  218. How to Implement Digital Receptionist in 3CX version 20?

  219. How to Import/Export Customer List?

  220. How to Integrate Slack with RepairDesk?

  221. How to Integrate Xero with RepairDesk?

  222. How to Link Customer Tickets in Repair Desk Connect?

  223. How to Link Facebook page to Connect?

  224. How to make it compulsory to add pre/post repair device conditions?

  225. How To Make It Mandatory to enter IMEI/ Serial Number on POS & Tickets?

  226. How to make it mandatory to take customer information?

  227. How to Manage Additional Items in RepairDesk?

  228. How to Manage Leads?

  229. How to Manage Reviews on RepairDesk Connect?

  230. How to manage ticket status?

  231. How to Merge Customers in RepairDesk Connect?

  232. How to Navigate the Reviews Dashboard

  233. How to Offer Refunds using PayFacto

  234. How to print mini receipt, ticket label or full invoice

  235. How to Process Exchange Against Trade-In Item?

  236. How to process payments through Paymentsense in RepairDesk?

  237. How to Process Payments using PayFacto

  238. How to re-assign repair ticket to a technician?

  239. How to Receive Partial Stock and create a Goods Received Note?

  240. How to Reply to Reviews using AI

  241. How to search for any specific inventory item?

  242. How to Sell a Product?

  243. How to send MMS using Connect

  244. How to set flag notes for the services?

  245. How to set Office Hours in 3CX version 20?

  246. How to set Office Hours in 3CX version 20?

  247. How To Set Up Global Tax?

  248. How to Set Up Review Automation BY SMS?

  249. How To Set Up WooCommerce Integration in RepairDesk?

  250. How to setup & use VAT margin scheme using RepairDesk?

  251. How to setup automatic emails against linked statuses?

  252. How to setup Canned Responses?

  253. How To Setup Cash Drawers If I Am Using Mac?

  254. How to Setup Email Forwarder in RepairDesk?

  255. How To Setup Inquiry Widget?

  256. How to Setup Internal Wiki in RepairDesk?

  257. How to Setup PayFacto with RepairDesk

  258. How To Setup PayPal Payment Integration?

  259. How to Setup Payroll For Employees?

  260. How to Setup Phone Pro in Repair Desk?

  261. How to setup printer to open cash drawer automatically?

  262. How to Setup Repairdesk Wireless Terminal

  263. How to setup Rongta Thermal Printer?

  264. How to Setup Self Check-In?

  265. How to setup Shopify Integration in RepairDesk?

  266. How To Setup Star TSP 143 Thermal Printer?

  267. How to Setup Store Progress Tracker?

  268. How to start accepting credit card payments with Stripe?

  269. How to Stop your Emails from going into the Customer Spam Folder

  270. How to transfer stock from one store location to another?

  271. How to transfer ticket from one store to another location?

  272. How To Update Individual Item Price Across Multiple Stores?

  273. How to update invoice settings?

  274. How to update multiple invoices at a time?

  275. How to update personal profile or change access pin?

  276. How to upload attachments on repair ticket?

  277. How to Use Gift Cards in RepairDesk

  278. How To Use Inventory / Service Bundles?

  279. How to Use PayFacto with RepairDesk

  280. How to Use RepairDesk Payments

  281. How to use scanning with Marketplace

  282. How to use Store Credits in RepairDesk

  283. How to Use the Cash Register Module in RepairDesk?

  284. How to use the RepairDesk Loyalty Program

  285. How You Can Make your Customer Compliant With GDPR ?

  286. In Transit Inventory Report

  287. Injured Gadgets Integration

  288. Integrate Google Calender With RepairDesk

  289. Introduction to Marketplace

  290. Inventory Adjustment Report

  291. Inventory Reports

  292. Inventory Summary Report

  293. Inventory Transfer and Inter Company Invoicing

  294. IP Phones

  295. Is there a way to show tickets to all employees?

  296. Item-wise Sales Report

  297. Language Editor - RepairDesk

  298. Lock Screen

  299. Low Stock Report

  300. Mail-in Repair Suite

  301. Mail-in Repair Tracker

  302. Manage Customers (New)

  303. Manage Estimates (New)

  304. Manage Invoices (New)

  305. Manage Services (New)

  306. Manual Printing via Print Node

  307. Merge Customers In RepairDesk

  308. MobileSentrix Integration For US & Canada

  309. Multi-Store Report

  310. My Commission Report

  311. New Ticket Listing

  312. Nexus Cellular Integration

  313. OneSource Suppliers Integration

  314. Online Payments

  315. OrderSync

  316. Part Consumption Report

  317. Parts4Cells Integration

  318. PayFacto

  319. Payroll Payments Report

  320. Placing an order through Marketplace

  321. Processing Bill Payments In RepairDesk

  322. Profit and Loss Report

  323. Public API

  324. Purchase Order Listing (New)

  325. Recommended Hardware for RepairDesk

  326. Recurring Billing in RepairDesk

  327. Refurbishment Module

  328. Register Sales

  329. Repair Module Configuration

  330. Repair Outlet Integration

  331. RepairDesk Appointments Booking Widget

  332. RepairDesk Forms

  333. RepairDesk Franchise Management and Inter Company Invoicing

  334. RepairDesk Integration With Square Terminal

  335. RepairDesk SMS

  336. Reusely Integration With RepairDesk

  337. Rush Jobs

  338. Sales by item type Report

  339. Sales Reports

  340. Sales Summary Report

  341. ScanPro

  342. Send Job Notifications With RepairDesk 2 way emails

  343. Shipstation Integration

  344. Single payment for multiple invoices

  345. SMS and MMS using the 3CX Mobile App

  346. Split Payment Between Multiple Tender Types

  347. Step-by-Step Guide to Embedding HTML Code in a Website

  348. Suggestive Sale Alert

  349. Switch User Profile (PIN Login)

  350. Taking Customer Signatures Through Customer Facing Display

  351. Tax Report

  352. Ticket Counter Display

  353. Ticket Items Report

  354. Ticket Settings

  355. Total Amount by Payment Type Report

  356. Total Revenue by Customer Report

  357. Total Revenue By Sales Report

  358. Trade In Report

  359. Transaction Log Report

  360. Two Factor Authentication Process in RepairDesk

  361. Upload Pre/Post Images

  362. VoiceComm Integration

  363. What is Cash In/Out?

  364. What is Employee Activity Log?

  365. What is Inventory Valuation and How it works in RepairDesk?

  366. What is Store type And How it Woks?

  367. Where can I view and manage all of my purchase orders?

  368. Wholesale Gadget Parts Integration

  369. Why RepairDesk PhonePro?

  370. Z-Report

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