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Adding inventory to your POS system can be a hassle, but with RepairDesk's latest feature, importing items through scanning is now a breeze. Simply scan or enter the SKU of the product, and if it's from one of our partner vendors, we'll fetch all the details for you and automatically map the attributes. No need to do it manually. This way, you can focus on your work without any distractions.

This feature is designed to make importing items onto the Repair Desk even easier. With this feature, importing inventory into the POS is just a scan away. Once the SKU is scanned, the marketplace scan module fetches all the product details from the vendor, saving you time and effort. You can add hundreds of products simultaneously in just a few minutes using ScanPro.

Supported Partners

  1. MobileSentrix (United States)
  2. MobileSentrix (Canada) 
  3. Wholesale Gadget Parts (United States)

How to Use Scan Pro

To use this feature, follow these steps:

Open POS and go to Inventory>Manage Inventory>Products

Click on Actions and then select "Start Scanning with ScanPro"

Scan the SKU or manually enter the SKU and click on "Add".

RepairDesk will automatically fetch the details of the items based on the provided SKU and using AI will map the attributes automatically, but you still have the option to edit them by selecting from the dropdown menu of the desired attribute. 

When you're satisfied with the information, just click "Add to Inventory" to proceed.

And Voila! The SKU is now added to your inventory. 

Please note that Repairdesk fetches the price that is available globally on the MobileSentrix website, it will not reflect prices customized for you by Mobilesentrix.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Do I need to Connect my MobileSentrix account to use ScanPro
No, ScanPro works independently of your account and does not require you to link your Mobilesentrix account.

Q. I'm trying to scan an SKU but it shows an error "No item found against this SKU"
If you come across this error, please clear your browser cache, log out of RepairDesk, and log in again. 
Please note that if the SKU has been recently updated or added by Mobilesentrix, it may take up to 8 hours for it to synchronize with Repairdesk.  

If the error persists please drop an email to or reach out to us via live chat.

Q. My Scanner is not working
There could be various reasons why your scanner is not working. Please ensure that your scanner is registered with your PC, that the necessary drivers are installed, and that the barcode is easily readable on your package. Refer to the manufacturer of your scanner to learn more about troubleshooting.

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