289 results found
Add Status for Products on a Ticket
Sometimes a customer will add a product such as a case or charge cable to their ticket when they first sign their device in for a repair. Unless specifically notated, there is no way to tell if a customer left with that product OR if they will still need it when they come to pick up device after repair. This could result in giving multiple products away by mistake or not giving them their accessory at all. A simple status selection of "Picked Up/Fulfilled", "Holding", or "Ordered" for each product line would be very useful when it comes to having…
3 votes -
Commission Calculation
Commissions should be calculated based on the person who added an item to a ticket or invoice. Not based on the person who clerked or rang out a repair ticket. Please add an option based on who actually added the item.
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adding date range on the pdf version of the tax report
adding date range on the pdf version of the tax report. right now when the report is ran, the date range does not show up. It would be greate if we could see the date range on the report. makes it easier to track the time period
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Make an option for an address campaign.
It would be nice to be able to automatically send my customers a text message with their appointment date and time, the store address, and a Google maps link to the business whenever I create a ticket. We get a lot of customers via phone call, so phone pro is awesome, but it would be great to be able to send the info right to their device as soon as I enter it.
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Add ability to offer warranty on Trade-in items
It's the law here (UK) to offer warranty and so it's really essential to be able to set the warranty duration. As this doesn't exist right now, the usual workflow to create a warranty repair ticket doesn't work either. To refund someone for a trade in is also different. This relatively simple addition would help us abide by the law, improve receipts, improve refund/repair workflow and help us keep our bookkeeping correct.
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Scheduled Reports
Create Scheduled Reports- the ability to run reports that auto send to various recipients on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.
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Mandatory breaks
Actually a whole scheduling system for staff would be great.
One place to see this week and next week (or couple of weeks) schedule, request off, can’t clock in if not scheduled, etc.3 votes -
Ability to add more than one of something to a repair at a time
We are struggling with the limitation of not being able to input a quantity either for the number of identical devices a customer is leaving in, or for the parts that are being used to repair a particular device.
Most of our repairs need more than one of the same part and it is very tedious to have to add the same part six times for example.
If this is not possible, even a duplicate the previous item button would be useful in both ticket creation and when adding repair parts to a ticket.3 votes -
Google Calendar integration
Google calendar integration should be developed more, tickets should pop up in the selected technician calendar not only in the calendar used to enable the integration as well as being able to change the technician at any time desired. This definitely is a plus when you have multiple technicians.
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Add more features to customer facing display
Allow customers to input their devices pins/passwords as they check in, also allow the customer to add on cases/screen protectors, other accessories, etc. at the end of checking out on the display. Also being able to add custom fields to the display check in would be amazing!
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Adding manual Cost (COGs) to "Repairs" tab in RepairDesk
As a shop owner who doesn't use RepairDesks Inventory System - I am left without a way to accurately track COGs of Repairs section within RepairDesk
When editing a model, say a iPhone 11 within this menu - you're given a Retail Cost vs. Sale Cost - most shops only use the Retail Cost, where the Sale Cost goes unused. So the idea would be to convert, or add another section here for "Cost of Repair" - this would allow you to add screen cost, labor etc and leverage that against the Retail Cost section - thus generating COGs on…
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Show last 30 days on ticket counter display
We need more options for the display, showing last 30 days.
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Add Gratuity option to emailed or sms invoice for customer
This is for those of us using Repairdesk pay or blockchyp as our processor. The ability to add an option to an email invoice for customer to add gratuity to that invoice before paying.
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IMEI double as link to repair history regardless of customer
The IMEI on the ticket page and within each ticket can be clicked to open a new tab displaying the device repair history of the device itself. It should not link the customer to this search. This would allow us to be more easily aware of pre existing issues based on pre and post conditions. It could also help us more easily find the last time this device was in for repair without having to manually search these specific imei fields. Fewer clicks makes this easier on techs rolling through repairs.
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3 votes
Make it so you can mark a special parts order as received on the ticket, or even a clickable link on the ticket
Make it so you can mark a special parts order as received on the edit ticket screen.
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Customize what is on a deposit on the POS
It would help a lot of you could add inventory items to a ticket without having them become part of the deposit invoice.
Our shop has a flat rate deposit on check in and would like to be able to add other line items (EX our Expedite item) without them becoming a part of the deposit charge.
I'm not totally sure how this would work but my best guess would be something with check boxes next to an item to add it to a deposit. It also might be nice to make inventory items require a deposit on check in.
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Kanban display for ticket management
Provide an option to display current tickets in a kanban format (something that has been proven to increase efficiency) , visually pleasing and convenient. Lots of colour would be good on the kanban board.
Kanban is life.
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Exporting filtered records
When filtering records eg stock records by Apple, the export option currently will export all manufacturer instead of just the filtered records
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display customer address on drop down
Can you display the first line of the customer address when selecting customer from the POS.?
Not all our customers give email addresses so the only way to confirm a returning customer is to ask the first line of the address2 votes
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