gift certificate\ store credit option
Option to add in a gift certificate, sell them in the POS and print two receipts one showing the purchase and one to act as a gift certificate. when a customer purchases a gift certificate it creates a record of the sale with the dollar amount available. later the customer can use the gift certificate as a form of payment you would enter the code off the printed gift certificate and it would deduct the sale off the balance recorded with that code.
The same system could then be used for in store credits from returns.
RepairDesk has introduced loyalty and store credits module in “Enterprise version”.
Store credits module will allow you to offer in-store credit to your customers instead of cash for trade-ins and refunds. This feature keeps a record of how much a customer has in-store credits, and allows them to use it to pay for repairs or purchases.
With “Gift cards” module, you can sell gift cards to customers, so that they may be able to pay for a repair using the card instead of cash. This feature is designed to create gift cards directly from the POS that your customers can then redeem in the future.
You can learn more about the “Store Credits” module from the following knowledgebase article:-
Also, you can learn more from this video:-
You can learn more about the “Gift Cards” module from the following knowledgebase article:-
Also, you can learn more from this video:-
If you are interested in setup it in your account, please feel free to reach out at [email protected]
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
yes please
Mark Pauley commented
Kenny Milan commented
I would like to see this as well.