Ability to view/open other store's ticket w/o being under that store page
By this title, I am meaning that we can view a person's ticket list via their customer profile. THE ISSUE: If you are not under that store's "page," you cannot review the ticket without either having that store transfer the ticket or swapping store pages.
I recommend the ability to view & open any ticket from the customer's page for review of notes and repair(s) done. When an employee goes to "edit ticket," then the system will ask if it would like to be transferred into their store for editing.
This eliminates the possibility of being under the wrong store when ringing items out if the user forgets to swap back to their current store. For me I have three locations. I have two locations where we share employees. So, instead of access to all stores out of my three locations, it would allow easy access to ticket data and then adding to when needed.