BuyBacks / Trade-In
With the help of this module you can buy cell phones from customers, re-sell them, manage inventory of trade in devices and manage leads who are interested in selling or buying such devices.
We have introduced many new features in our latest version of this module. Previously you couldn't add multiple trade-in items in a single purchase and there was no option to transfer them to other store locations. Now however, you can add multiple trade-in items to a single trade-in purchase and transfer inventory to other store locations. You can now also upload verification document for seller's consent. On top of that you can also create refurbishment tickets for trade-in items which need an internal repair (we'll discuss in detail later).
Some of the benefits of RepairDesk's Trade-In Module are listed below:
- Make Trade-In Purchases. Buy pre-owned or refurbished cell phones and then re-sell them.
- Add multiple trade-in items in a single purchase
- Keep a record of such transactions
- Store seller's information
- Take seller's consent for the sale or upload verification document
- Print service and thermal receipts to keep a record of Trade-In Purchases
- Stay on top of the game with useful graphs and get insights into your trade-in purchases
- Create internal refurbishment tickets for trade-in items which need repairs before you re-sell them
- User our powerful search filter to find out any past trade-in transaction
- View your purchases and sales of trade-in items from RepairDesk's Trade-In Report
- Transfer Trade-In items from one store location to another.
Excited? Ok! Let's show you how to use Trade-In Module.
A. Trade-In Section
1. To access Trade-In section in RepairDesk, click on the Inventory tab on the header menu, click on Manage Inventory and select Trade-In from the drop-down menu.
2. You can alternately go to the Trade-In section by going to Inventory>> Manage Inventory >> Trade-In.

B. Add a Trade-In Purchase
On the Trade-In page you can view a list of all of your Trade-In purchases. You can also search for a particular purchase via search filter and see the status of Trade-In items. We'll discuss them later in detail.
To add a trade-in purchase, simply click on the Purchase button at the top-right corner of the screen.
You will be taken to the Add New Trade-In Purchase screen. Here you can add buyer and seller details, add items to your purcahse, take seller's consent and enter payment info.
Let's start with adding seller's details.
I - Seller Details
You can select an exisitng seller from your database from the Search Customer search tab. To add a new seller and enter his/ her details, click on the New button.
A pop-up screen will open where you can enter details for the new seller. You can enter the following information:
Customer Group - Mention if the seller belongs to a particular customer group. If the seller is acting in individual capacity select Individual from the Customer Group drop-down menu.
First Name - Enter the first name of seller
Last Name - Enter seller's surname
Mobile - Add mobile phone number of the seller
Phone - You can alternately mention customer's landline number as well under the Phone field
Email - Seller's email address
Driving Licence- Seller's Driving Licence Number
Once you have entered all necessary details about the customer, click on Create button.
After selecting or adding the seller, his/ her details will appear on the Trade-In purchase.
Add Notes
After selecting seller from existing record of customers or adding a new one, you will be able to add notes against them. To add a note, simply click on Notes button as shown in the screen.
You will also be able to see a log of previous notes against the customer and would also be able to add new ones.
For more information on customer notes, please refer to this article.
II - Buyer Details
You can also select which employee was making the purchase. If you are logged in from your account, your name will be appearing. You can also select another employee from the drop-down menu titled Employee Making Purchase. You may be asked to enter employee's PIN number in case if someone other than you so that this purchase can be traced to the actual buyer.
Select a purchase date from the corresponding field. You can select the date from the pop up calendar once you click on Set Purchase Date field.
You can also mention how the purchase was made, either via Walk In or Mail In.
The difference between the two is as following:
Walk In - Seller physically came to your store and sold you the trade-in item(s).
Mail In - Seller sent you the trade-in items via courier or mail.
III - Add a Trade-In item to the Purchase
To add item(s) to your purchase, click on Add Line Item button (see attached screenshot).

A pop-up screen will open, asking you for product and price related details for the item being added.
Under the Product Info tab you will be asked to enter the following information:
Item Name - Name of the item
IMEI/ Serial - Select from the drop-down option whether you want to enter the IMEI or Serial Number for the trade-in item. Once you have selected the option, enter the IMEI/ Serial in the adjacent text field.
Manufacturer - The manufacturer of the item
Device - Device/ Model of the trade-in item
Color - Mention the color of the item/ device here.
Size - Mention the storage capacity of the device
Network - Enter the device network name in this field
Condition - You can mention the physical condition of the trade-in item here such as Normal, Cracked, etc.
Description - Add a brief description of the item
SKU - You can enter the SKU or Stock Keeping Unit ID of the item here
Admin notes - If you want to add some additional notes about the item in question, you can post them here under Admin Notes.
Upload Picture - RepairDesk also gives you the option to upload a .JPG image of the trade-in item if its size in less than or equal to 2 MB

Now, to enter price related info, click on the Prices tab.
You can enter Retail Price and Cost over here.
Retail Price - Retail Price refers to the price at which you will be re-selling this item to your customers.
Cost - Cost refers to the amount you have to pay to acquire this item/ device. The price you give to the seller, becomes your cost.
Once you have entered all relevant information, click on Save button to add the trade-in item to your purchase.
If you want to add other items to this trade-in purchase simply follow the above mentioned steps and another item(s) will be added to your purchase as well. You can add multiple items to your trade-in purchase.
IV - Payment Info
Under this section you will be able to see:Total Items - Number of trade-in item in your purcahse
Sub Total - The amount of all items in your purchase
Payment Method - Select the method for payment such as Cash, Credit Card, Cheque etc.
You can also add other information or noted regarding this trade-in transaction under Transaction Notes.

V. Seller Declaration/ Consent of Sale
It's important to record seller's consent for this transaction. You can record this consent in two ways: By taking seller's signatures or adding a verification document to your purchase as a proof of consent.

To take seller's signatures, click on Add Signature button.
You will see a screen pop-up where items will be listed along with space for taking seller's signature. Once the customer has read terms of sale, has authorized the transaction and given his consent, he can enter his signatures under the Customer Signature area and enabling the check box: 'I accept terms and conditions'.
Then simply click on Save to add signatures to the purchase.

Alternately you can click on Upload Verification Document to upload a document which consists of declaration and approval of the seller regarding this transaction.

Note: If you have already enabled Customer Facing Display Widget, it will take precedence over the signatures described above. If the widget is enabled, the order details and terms will be displayed to another screen which you have configured with the widget and on this screen customer can give his consent.
VI. Save or Purchase
Once all details regarding the purchase have been mentioned, you can either Save this purchase or confirm it by clicking on the Purchase button.
If you save a purchase, the details of the purchase will be saved, however the stock of the items will not be updated. This option is useful if you still need some additional information regarding the purchase. You can always open a Saved purchase and then confirm it after which the stock of the related items will be updated.
Once you have clicked on Purchase button, the trade-in transaction will be confirmed and the stock of relevant items will be automatically updated.
Clicking on purchase a new popup will appear where we can add split payment.
Sometimes it happens that you run short of Cash, in that case, you can pay by other payment methods like PayPal or bank cheque etc.
VII. Transaction Reference
Each trade-in purchase is automatically assigned a Transaction Reference number once the purchase has been confirmed. You can use this Transaction Reference number to keep track of your trade-in purchases and see which items were purchased under a particular trade-in purchase.
C . Action button
Once a transaction is completed, you can print relevant receipts and labels.
To print a thermal receipt as a record for the trade-in purchase between you and the seller click on Print Thermal Receipt.
To print a service receipt click on the Print Receipt option.
You can also print Barcode Labels for your purchased items by selecting the Print Barcode Labels option. Later on if you are re-selling a trade-in item all you need to do is to scan the barcode of the item on POS screen and it will be added to POS basket or you can search from the POS > Trade-In screen:
If you have enabled Google Cloud Print or PrintNode for automatic printing, trade-in label and tradei-in receipt will be automatically printed once you complete a trade-in purchase.
D. Search Filter
Back on the main page of Trade-In section you can search for a particular trade-in purchase by taking advantage of our powerful Search Filter.
Click on the Search Filter button to expand search parameters.
You can search a trade-in purchase or item by using any of the following parameters:
Keyword - Search an item on the basis of keyword
Item ID - Search an item on the basis of its Item ID
Item Name - Find out an item by entering its name
Transaction ID - Search a particular trade-in purcahse by entering its referral Transaction ID
IMEI - Search device on the basis of its IMEI
Serial - Search a device by entering its Serial number
SKU: Search trade-in items by SKU
Manufacturer - Search for trade-in items with a particular Manufacturer
Device/ Model - Search an item on the basis of its Device Model
Network - You can also search for a device by looking up network carrier.
Condition - Display device with their physical condition such as new, normal, cracked etc.
Seller - Search for a specific seller
Buyer - Find out which purchases were made by a particular buyer
Status - Search trade-in items or device on the basis of their status
Employee - List down all trade-in transactions made by a specific employee
From Date - List down all trade-in devices or transaction from a particular date
To Date - List down all trade-in devices or transactions till a specific date.
After you have selected the Search Criteria, click on Search button to display relevant results.
E. Graphs
Many useful Graphs and Charts are available for Trade-In section. Here we will be discussing two of the most important:
Status Graph: The graph helps you to keep a track of your trade-in items according to their current status. You can see how many devices/ items were sold, are in stock, transferred to another store, pending for refurbishment, brought by leads or which ones are pending for purchase.
Top 5 with Profit: Another useful graph is the Top 5 Trade-In devices with Profit. This graph will show you five of your trade-in items which gave you the most profit after being re-sold to your customers.
F- Trade-In Status
In Trade-In section there are multiple types of status which describe the condition or stock info of trade-in items. They are as following:
• Pending Purchase
• Purchased
• In Stock
• Sold
• Pending Refurb
• Transferred
• Scrapped for Parts
• Lead
• Lost Deal
Admin or Users will be able to update status only in certain scenarios otherwise status will be updated against specific actions. Trade-in device status remains "Pending Refurb" unless you mark the refurbishment ticket status with "Closed" type e.g. Repaired or Completed
Pending Purchase: During transaction, once a user clicks on “Save” button only, each trade in item will be recorded separately with status “Pending Purchase”
Purchased: Once you purchase the trade in device, trade in item will be recorded separately with status “In Stock. However you will be able to change it to purchase only if they don’t want to display it under stock to sell.
In Stock: Once you purchase the trade in device, trade in item will be recorded separately with status “In Stock” and by default it will be visible on POS.
Sold: Once item is sold its status will be changed to “Sold” automatically. RepairDesk would not allow changing the status of a trade-in item once it is sold unless it is refunded and would be back in inventory with the status of “In Stock”.
Pending Refurbishment: If refurbishment is required on the ticket, you will be able to create a ticket and change the status to “Pending Refurb”. We'll discuss it it section XII.
Transferred: Once a store transfers a trade in device to another store location, its status will be changed to “ In transit” automatically. However once another store receives the inventory, status of the same item will be “In Stock” on that store while the status will be "Transferred" on the store from which the item is transferred.
So there could be 2 different statuses on 2 stores for same item in case of trade in transfer. “Transferred” status on the store which will send the trade in device and “In Stock” or other status on another store which receives the trade in item. Once the item status is transferred, RepairDesk would not allow changing the status.
Scrapped for Parts: If the device needs to be scrapped for parts, you can change the status for that item to “Scrapped for parts”
Lead: Once an inquiry comes to you via Buy Back widget. Status of the device will be changed to "Lead".
Lost Lead: If the lead was not successfully converted, you can mark the status as “Lost Lead” for this trade-in device.
We have added validations on some statuses which you can find in FAQs section below.
G - Pending for Refurbishment and Refurb Ticket
In Trade-In module you will get to see various status such as sold, purchases in stock etc.. One of these status is Pending Refurb.
Pending Refurb refers to those trade-in item which you purchased are in stock, however they need to be refurbished before being re-sold to customer.
Suppose you bought an iPhone 6 with cracked glass from a customer. Now before you re-sell it you would need to repair its screen. This internal repair can be tracked via Refurb Ticket.
Now, when you will open that item, you will be able to see an option "Create Refurbishment Ticket" under Prices tab. Click on it to create an internal ticket with zero price for the item which needs to be refurbished and click on Save button.
Once a refurbished ticket has been created it will be created with its price set as zero by default. This is done because its an internal ticket and you are charging no one for this refurbishment.
However, the cost of the repair item will be added to the overall cost of the Trade-In item. So suppose that the iPhone 6 with cracked glass cost you $500 and the refurb ticket used the part worth $25, then the amount of $25 will be added under refurbishment cost and the total cost incurred to you for the purchase of this item will be considered $525.
H - Lead brought by BuyBack Widget
Once a customer places an inquiry by using BuyBack Widget, the trade-in device item record will come up in RepairDesk account with a status of “lead” assigned to it. A transaction record will also be created with customer details and same item details.
Users will be able to receive notification of the lead and once you open the link, the transaction record will open. It will allow you to complete the purchase.
If the lead purchase is done, it will be considered as lead “Won”. Status of an item will change to “In Stock” from a lead.
I - Transfer Trade-In Items
To transfer items to another store location, select the items from the Trade-In screen and click on the global Action button. Select the option 'Transfer selected Items'. Now the selected items will be added to a transfer order where you can specify destination store and quantity of the item to be transferred.
J- Trade-In Report
You can access the details for all of your trade-in purchases, sales and details of these sales and purchases from the Trade-In Report.
You can access this report by clicking on the Reports tab on the main menu, selecting the store from the Multi-Store Report and clicking on Trade-In report under the Sales Report section.
To download the report, click on Download CSV/ PDF button on the top-right corner. The selected format will be downloaded to your system.
The report will give you information about the following:
Item ID: Item ID of trade in with link to specific item
Transaction ID: Transaction ID of trade in purchase with link to specific transaction ID
Item Name: Name of item
IMEI /Serial: IMEI or Serial of the device.
Purchased Date: Purchase date & time
Purchased Location: Location where item is purchased
Seller: Seller name with link to specific customer record
Buyer: Buyer name with link to specific customer record
Date: Date and time of transaction
Invoice ID: Invoice number of order against that trade in device is sold
Sales: Sales value on which item is sold. Value will be there if item will be sold
Cost: Cost value on which item is purchased
Refurbishment Cost: Cost value on which item is refurbished
Tax: Tax value that will be charged from the customer
Profit: Profit value will be calculated based on sales, cost and tax value. Sales - (Cost + Refurbishment + Tax)
K - Trade-In Settings
You can manage settings and triggers for Trade-In section by going to Store Settings >> Module Configuration >> Trade-In
Here you can enter settings for Sellers and Buyers.
a) Seller's Settings
To configure settings for Seller of Trade-In Devices, click on Seller tab on the Trade-In settings page

Following are the details to enter;
Logo - Your company Logo to be displayed on Trade-In receipts
Default Receipt Title - The default title which will be displayed on your Trade-In receipts
Sale date - Select Sale Date from the drop-down menu. You can select the period after which sale will be considered to take place.
Receipt Slogan - Any slogan which you want to be displayed on your Trade-In receipt will appear here.
Receipt Terms & Conditions - Set the terms and conditions which you want to be displayed on receipt
Mini Receipt Terms and Conditions - Conditions appearing on the mini-receipt of your trade-in purchase
Terms & Conditions on Signature - Terms & Conditions which will be appearing on Signature area.
Along with that various triggers are available:

Hide Price on Print Barcode - Enable trigger to hide price on barcode
Show signature on Invoice - Enable this trigger to display signature on Trade-In Invoice
Hide Employee Name - Hide name of the employee who made the purchase from the invoice
Show Lead Items in CSV File - Display Lead Items in the CSv file
Signature is Required (Walkin) - Make it compulsory to enter signature
Photo Required (Mail In) - Photo has to be uploaded in case of devices arriving via mail-in
Seller Details (Not required) - Enable this trigger if you do not want to make it mandatory to take customer details
IMEI or Serial (Not required) - Enable this trigger if you do not want to make it mandatory to note IMEI/ Serial number
Employee should enter access pin before Purchase - Enable this trigger to make it compulsory for employees ot enter their PIN before making a trade-in purchase.
b) Buyer's Settings
Similarly you can set settings for buyer regarding trade-in purchases

Invoice Title - Enter the title of Trade In Receipt here
Invoice Slogan - Enter your business or any other slogan
Invoice Terms & Conditions - Terms to be displayed on Receipt
Mini Invoice Terms & Conditions - Terms to be displayed on Mini-Receipt
Show signature on Invoice (trigger) - Enable trigger to display signature on invoice
Hide Employee Name (trigger) - Enable trigger to hide employee name who made the purchase from the Trade-In Purchase
Trade In Default Tax Class - Select the Tax Class applicable to transaction
Tax Inclusive (trigger) - Enable this trigger if you want to consider tax as inclusive of price
Commission - Enable commission for employees
L - Admin History
There is an organized admin history of each trade in item which will be displayed under each tab. It will allow admin/users to keep complete transparency of each trade in item. It includes information such as when and where the item was purchased, any and all transfers between stores, where it was sold and a link to the invoice no matter where the item was sold.
M - Trade In refunds
If a customer purchases a trade in device but he wants to take refund and give the device back, Refunds functionality can be used to give customer refund and take back the device in stock.Once you give refunds to a customer there is option to Add Items back to inventory. When you will do it, Item will be added back with “In Stock” status.
Buyer details will automatically remove from trade in record and Trade in report. Admin/Users will be able to track first customer details and invoice from admin history.
To know more about refunds, please click here.
N - SPRIS Refunds
Along with CSV, PDF and Print, there is an option to download trade in report for SPIRS.In Australia it is a requirement for sellers of refurbished mobiles to provide details to the government. The excel file will be downloaded according to the filtered records and it will have following fields and mapping with records:
Transaction No.=Trade in Item id rather than trans id
Stock ID = Leave it blank
Trade Date = Purchased date of item id
Status = Status of Trade in
Days to Hold = Leave it blank
Description = Description of trade in item
IMEI Number= IMEI number of trade in item
Serial No.= Serial number of trade in item
Seller Surname= Seller Last Name
Given Names= Seller First Name
Address 1= 1st and 2nd address of seller. Concatenation will apply here
Suburb= City and Post Code of seller. Concatenation will apply here
Verification Id. Type = Leave it blank for now. But it will be updated when we update customer’s module with ID type and number
Verification Id. Number= Driving license of seller
Telephone= Seller Mobile Number
Value= Cost of item
Person making the Entry= Employee name that makes purchase
Owner (if different to customer) =This would be black by default
Owner address= This would be black by default
Date Sold= Invoice date when item is sold
Instant Inv No. = Invoice number
Amount Paid = Sale Value of item with Tax value
Name of Purchaser= Buyer name
Address of Purchaser= 1st and 2nd address of seller. Concatenation will apply here
Telephone= Mobile number of buyer
Person making the Entry= Employee name that makes the sale
Notes= Admin notes of transaction item
Note: Buyer details will come up if item is sold. If item is refund and back in stock. Last buyer details, transaction detail and sale value should be empty unless admin/users sell it again to another buyer.
Q. How to send a trade-in purchase invoice to the seller via email?
A. In order to send the trade-in purchase invoice to the seller via email, you have to purchase a trade-in device first. Once you purchase the trade-in device you will see an email invoice option on the purchase popup.
Click on the email invoice option.
Once you click on it, you will see the following email invoice popup where you need to enter the seller's email address to send him/her the purchase invoice along with the email notes.
Note: Email notes are the body of the email.
After entering all the relevant information, you need to click on the send button.
Once you click on it, the email invoice will be sent to the given email address to the seller.
You can also access the email invoice option under the action dropdown on the transaction ID page.
Q. How can I set a warranty for trade-in devices?
A. In order to set the warranty for trade-in devices, you need to go to store settings and set the default warranty period for your trade-in devices.
Settings > Module Configuration > Trade In > Buyer Invoice Settings
You can also set the warranty for your trade-in devices while purchasing and updating them
Q. How to claim the warranty for trade-in devices?
A. You will only be able to claim the warranty for those trade-in devices which has been sold. In order to claim the warranty of the sold trade-in item, you have to go to POS and click on the warranty claim button.
Once you will click on the warranty claim button you would see the following popup
Search the trade-in devices on the basis of any given criteria and hit the search button. After clicking on the search button you will see two options under the action dropdown:
1- In warranty repair
2- Issue a refund
If you want to create a warranty repair ticket then click on the In warranty repair option and if you want to issue a refund instead of creating In warranty repair ticket then click on the Issue refund option.
Q. Where can I find the trade-in warranty repair ticket reference?
A. You can find a trade-in item's warranty repair ticket reference under the price tab of trade-in item page.
1- Go to the trade-in listing page.
2- Select a trade-in item with the status Warranty Repair.
3- Click on the price tab.
4- Here you will see In warranty repair tickets reference.
5- Click on the reference to view warranty repair ticket.
Q. How can I add the refurbished device condition?
RepairDesk allows you to set the condition of the trade-in device after the refurbishment.
Important note: You will only be able to add a condition on sale if you created the refurbishment ticket against the trade-in device
1- In order to add the condition on sale, you have to go to store settings.
Settings > Module Configuration > Manage Trade-In Conditions
2- You have to click on the green button against the condition on sale section to add new conditions.
3- After clicking on the add condition button, you have to enter the condition name in the condition field.
4- After entering the condition name, you have to click on the save button to save the condition.
5- Once the condition is saved then it will be displayed in the condition on sale table.
6- You can either delete the condition or edit it by clicking on the action dropdown button.
7- You can also add the condition on sale from the item page.
8- What you need to do is. You have to click on the condition on the sale field.
9- Once you will click on it then you need to write the new condition name in the field.
10- After writing the new condition name, you have to click on the add new button from the dropdown.
11- Once you will click on it then it will be saved and displayed under the dropdown as well as in the condition on sale table.
12- If you want to restrict your employees from changing the condition on sale then you have to disable the permission against the specific employees by going to the roles and permission section under the trade-in.
Settings > Manage Roles & Permission > Trade-In
13- You can also view the condition on sale by going to the trade-in Report.
14- You can also search for the specific condition on sales by applying the filter criteria of condition on sale from the selection criteria dropdown.
Q. Can I add multiple trade-in items simultaneously?
A. Yes. Just click on Import Inventory button on the Trade-In section main screen. Click on Export Inventory to download a CSV file. You can then map data for devices which you want to add according to the format in the exported file.
Once you have entered all the information and mapped it accordingly, save that CSV file and click on Import Inventory option to import all these trade-in items. Once the import will be completed, all the devices in your file will be added to Trade-In section.
Q. When will a trade-in item appear in Sales Report?
A. A trade-in device or item will only be mentioned in the Sales Report once it is sold to a customer. So if a trade-in item is not sold to a customer, it will not appear under the Sales Report until the sales transaction is complete."
Q. How to exchange a trade-in device with a new mobile/item?
A. Normally people trade-in phones, like giving an old phone and getting a new one with some additional money.There is a simple workaroaund to exchange any phone or item with a trade-in device in RepairDesk.
Just follow these simple steps:
3: Change the price of the casual item on runtime with the actual cost price while you are exchanging phone and make the quantity negative which will show that you are exchanging it.
4: Now add a phone or item in transaction. System will balance the amount you need to receive extra from customer in order to exchange the phone.
For further clarification, please refer to the following screenshot:
Q. Can I pay the partial payment for trade In?
A.No, partial payment is not allowed for trade in transaction.
Q. How can I set up a label for trade In item?
A. First of all, you need to set label design for trade in label from Settngs=> Module configuration => Inventory
Q. What validations are placed on trade-in statuses?
A. Following validations are placed on trade-in statuses
If the
status of trade-in item is in stock, you will
not be able to change its status other than scrapped
for parts, but if it is already scrapped for
parts, it will not be changeable and
it will not appear on POS. Its status
will only change when trade in is sold or if it’s added to refurbishment.
In case of trade-in, when status is in stock, you cannot change its status to Sold. If the status is in stock then you can change status which are custom made or purchased. However it will not affect the functionality. Once you have changed the status to any custom status, it can only be changed back to in stock.
If the status is set as purchased then you can change its status to in stock.
status cannot be set manually, it is done after transfer transaction is
carried out.
If trade in lead is created from buy back widget than status shows Lead.You cannot change that status. once you proceed with its purchase, its status will be changed like wise to in stock if purchased. Once it’s in stock system will not allow to delete that item..
Lost lead status will not show once lead is created. Once that trade-in is purchased than lead lost option will show under status.
Sold: Once that trade-in is
sold, you cannot change its status, neither you could delete that item.
If the status is pending refurbishment than you can only change it to in stock. On other status should be available if item is pending refurbish.
Once the ticket is refurbished then it should automatically change its status from pending refurbish to in stock.
If the trade in is pending purchase then its status should be changed only when purchase transaction is carried out against trade in. Manual change of status option should not be available at this point of time.
If the status is set as purchased then system should allow user to change its status to in stock.
In case trade is transferred then its status is not changeable. Transferred status cannot be set manually, it will be done after transfer transaction is carried out. There is no option to set this status.
In case of lead you can access trade in detail from update trade-in by clicking item ID. It is allowed once it is purchased.
When we click on item ID, it will open detail of that item.
This action is restricted until purchase is done. Once the trade-in purchase is done, you can view trade-in item details.
Q.How can I create new trade in status? can add trade-in status by two different ways, one way is directly by editing an item and add new status which you want.
The second way is to go to settings, click on order status select trade in status.
you can also select the color for the newly created status. type for that status will be custom by default.
Q. How can make IMEI/serial unique for trade in devices?
A. Yes you can
make IMEI /serial unique based on a trigger in Settings, Module configuration, Trade
Enabled the trigger and system will not allow you to create duplicate
IMEI/serial for trade-in device.
Q: How can I show trade-in variants information on receipts and invoices?
A: you need to enable the trigger in order to show trad invariants on receipts and invoices.
in order to do that Goto settings => module configuration=> Trade-in click on Buyer setting
Enable the trigger and now every time you will sell trade-in an item , variants will be displayed on the receipts.
Q. How can I move trade in items to inventory?
To learn more visit our detailed guide:
Can I pay for Trade Ins through RepairDesk Payments?
Users can select any available RD Pay terminal to complete a Trade-In transaction. The system should recognize the selected terminal and direct payment accordingly.