PLEASE: Integrate RepairDesk with eBay for Sales and Inventory
The number one shortcoming for RD is that it does not integrate with eBay (where we sell 90% of our phones). Currently, the only way to get accurate sales figures is to MANUALLY enter the 'Sold' amount from ebay on the RD inventory record, then MANUALLY transfer that item from 'In Stock' to 'Sold online'. Super Tedious ...
Solution: I can use the RD ITEM ID (which is unique for every phone) as my 'Custom SKU' on ebay when I list each phone. Then, when the phone is PAID FOR by the customer, an API is generated which notifies RD of the sale, posts the sale amount to RD, and transfers the phone to 'Sold online'. This will not only give us accurate inventory records, but would provide us with much better data to see true profitability of particular makes, models, etc. If API is not possible, then at least allow me to export an eBay sales report at month's end which would contain sales data, and import that report into RD with the same end result.
Let's make RD an even MORE useful platform !