Add Multiple Searchable Part Number to inventory items.
Many manufacterers have their own part numbers, and often times they will update part numbers if a newer version of the same part changes. Often times this results in us accidentally adding the same part to our inventory under a different part number. OR we may not realize a part is in stock because it is under a different part number in our system.
Dell has over 8 P/N for the same 45W Charger such as JHJX0 312-1307 3RG0T PA-1450-66D1 LA45NM121 JT9DM FA45NE1-00 LA45NM131 450-18463 PM-1M10 RFRWK 44PV8 0285k HA45NM140 00285k 70vtc 070vtc kxttw 0kxttw ytfjc 0ytfjc
These are all the same charger but the part number has changed over the years.
Stacey Cossey commented
This has hit 19 votes! Is it going to be worked on?