Suggested Reorder Report
Hi - With new devices just about been released all the time and devices been discontinued. Our inventory requirements will constantly change. Most of your users will no doubt be too busy to see the trends that are happening within their business. Which is why I am asking your for your help?
We have our stock levels already entered, Repair shops will order what this tells them and yet parts maybe not been used as fast as what 6 months ago they once were. These slow movers now need not be held in inventory in the volume they once were. Whilst at the other end we are ordering others daily. Would there be a chance that a report could be produced to analyse these trends and suggest what parts we should be holding in our inventory to coincide with our ordering patterns?
if say we ordered from our suppliers on a weekly basis this report could have filters of what parts have been used from our inventory during this period. So we have in the last month ordered 12 iphone 6 screens and we still have 10 in stock, the report will tell us we need to reduce or iphone 8 screens we have 2 but sales have been 12 in the last month we need to increase our inventiory level?
obviously there will be lee way in this report as business owners will know of any upo and coming orders and the need to store parts for seasonal trends and customer requirements. Though i feel this would give us more of an idea as to the changes that are occuring within our stores. Grateful for others input on this as i feel this could be advantageous