Add search by partial matching
When searching for items / customers / anything.
If the search engine was able to search parts of words from any part of the item, customer name etc.
For example:
iPhone 5 Display - Black - OEM
- Currently I have to type part of the full phrase exactly as it is, from the start, to find it.
On my old system I could type a few letters of key words:
- iPh 5 oem bla
- OR: OEM Iphone (to find all iPhone OEM screens)
The makes it much easier for techs to find what they need rather than having to remember the exact way each item or part has been entered into the system.
kevin commented
This still does not work when searching for inventory items or repairs. It works great on the Point of Sale now though.
kevin commented
From doing more testing I find that this is in some areas of the software (like adding parts to a P.O.), but not in others (like searching for a part in the inventory section).