Selling a Product

Selling a Product

RepairDesk simplifies your sales process, allowing you to sell products including accessories and parts—all from the same Point of Sale (POS) system.

Add Product to Cart

Method 1:


On the POS, navigate to the Products tab.

  • By default, products are organized By Category.
  • Products Tab

    Select the Category and Sub-categories (if any).

  • Example: Phone Cases → Apple → iPhone Cases
  • Select Category

    Select the Product you want to add to cart.

    Select Category

    Method 2:


    On the POS, navigate to the All Products tab.


    Select the Product you want to add to cart by:

  • searching the Product Name 
  • scanning the Product Barcode.
  • All Products Tab

    Method 3:


    On the POS, navigate to the Search Bar.

    Search Bar

    Select the Product you want to add to cart by:

  • Searching the Product Name or SKU
  • Scanning the barcode.
  • Tapping on Advance Search, learn more in this article
  • Search Bar

    Add a Serialized Product


    On the POS Cart, tap on Select Serial

    Select Category

    Select the Serial you want to add to cart.

    Select Category

    Finalize the Cart

    If needed, you can:

  • Add a customer (Learn more)
  • Add all of the required products
  • Update the quantity of Cart Items by updating the Quantity field
  • Update the price of Cart Items by updating the Price field
  • Apply discounts (Learn more)
  • Update Tax Class by updating the Tax Field
  • Select SKU for a product with multiple suppliers (Learn more)
  • Add notes
  • Checkout

    Checkout and Take Payment


    Tap Checkout to finalize the sale.


    On the Payment pop-up, select the Payment Method (Learn more)


    Enter the amount, and click Confirm to complete the transaction.


    Tip: You can split your payments! (Learn More)

    Post-Sale Actions

    Once the sale is complete, you can:

  • Print an Invoice
  • Print Service Receipt
  • Print Thermal Receipt
  • Email Invoice
  • Create Subscription (Learn more)
  • Open Cash Drawer
  • Post-Sale Actions


    How can I upsell accessories?
    To upsell accessories, Enable the Suggestive Sales Alert module from Store Settings (Learn more).
    How can I add new inventory items?

    To add new inventory items:

    1. Go to Inventory > Manage Inventory > Products
    1. Click on the Add Product button to initiate the process of adding a new item. (Learn more)
    How can I choose which items to display on POS?

    To choose which items you want to display on POS:

    • Click on Inventory > Manage Inventory > Products
    • Select an Item:
      • Click on the Item ID
      • OR click the Action button and select Edit
    • Enable Item for POS:
      • Go to the Setting tab
      • Tap the ‘Yes’ radio button against "Display on POS"
    • Hide Item from POS:
      • Tap the ‘No’ radio button against "Display on POS"
    Where can I track my sales?
    To learn more about sales tracking, visit our Reports Module. (Learn more)
    Can I update Out of Stock inventory?
    Yes, you can by adding an inventory adjustment.
    1. Go to Home > Manage Inventory > Product
    2. Access the Stock Section**:**
      • Tap the ‘Yes’ radio button against “Manage inventory Level for this item? ”
      • Tap on the On Hand or Unit Cost (in Pricing Section) field to open the adjustment window
    3. Choose Adjustment Type:
      • A new window will appear with three adjustment options:
        • Increase Quantity
        • Decrease Quantity
        • Revaluation
    4. Tap Review Adjustment then Post Adjustment

    How can I process a product warranty?

    On the POS, follow these steps:

    1. Tap "Warranty Claim."
    2. In the pop-up window, enter one or more of the following details to locate the relevant transaction: Device IMEI/Serial, Part Serial, Invoice ID, Ticket ID, Serial Name, Customer Name, or Customer Mobile.
    3. Click "Search."
    4. Tap on "Action."
    5. Choose either "Issue Refund" or "Add the product to RMA."

    How can I serialize inventory?
    To make a new serialized item, Go to Inventory > Manage Inventory > Products + 
    Switch to Serialized, and continue adding details.

    For an existing item, open up the Item Details Page > check Convert inventory valuation method to serialized inventory (Learn more)

    Can I create an estimate before selling a product?
    After adding products to cart, tap on Create Estimate.

    How can I process a product warranty?
    Refer to this guide on processing warranties in RepairDesk.