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How does ticket section works?

Watch this video to learn more about how technicians can see all important data arranged in one place, and complete work order without any effort. 



With the Managing Tickets feature, repair technicians or shopkeepers gain access to a centralized platform that simplifies ticket creation, updates, and monitoring, providing a comprehensive overview of each repair job's status.
This module serves as a comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing the ‘Managing Tickets’ feature effectively. Whether you are a repair shop owner, technician, or customer support personnel, this feature enables you to handle repair orders with precision and professionalism.
You will get two views of this section
  1. Modern View

  1. Classic View


 We've added two new columns to the new tickets listing page i.e. diagnostic notes and private notes. Enable them to have a one glance view. The most recent note appears first, and you can view all notes by clicking 'view all'.

1. ‘Manage Ticket’ Section

The ‘Manage Ticket’ section is where you can view and manage repair tickets. It provides a visual representation of the tickets, allowing technicians and managers to see what needs to be done without navigating to another page. The default view displays repair tickets based on their due dates, highlighting overdue tickets with a red background for immediate attention.

One glance view gives you summary of the whole ticket section;

1.1. Displaying Repair Tickets

Repair tickets are displayed based on due dates instead of creation dates. Overdue tickets are highlighted to draw attention.

You can select your viewing timeframe as well;

1.2. Updating/Editing Due Dates

Due dates can be updated, ensuring accurate scheduling and task management. The section will automatically refresh to reflect the new due dates.

1.3. Assigning Tasks

Tasks within a repair ticket can be reassigned to different technicians. This feature is useful when a particular technician is unavailable, and the task needs immediate attention. Assigning tasks to the right technician ensures efficient workflow management.

1.4. Centralized Ticket History

The centralized ticket history section provides a comprehensive overview of the repair ticket. It includes staff notes, public comments, system messages, and communication logs listed chronologically. This centralized view allows technicians and managers to understand the full history of the ticket without searching through multiple sources.

1.5. Sending SMS Follow-up

Customers' primary contact numbers are displayed below their names and linked to the SMS module. To send a follow-up SMS, simply click on the displayed number, enter a custom message, or select from canned responses.

2. Managing Tickets

Managing tickets involves adding comments, internal notes, and charges while keeping track of customer expectations.

2.1. Adding Comments and Notes

Technicians and managers can add comments and internal notes to repair tickets. This feature enables collaboration and ensures important information is recorded. For example, notes can be added to inform the team about specific requirements, such as ordering a replacement part.

2.2. Managing Ticket Charges

Ticket charges can be managed in accordance with customer expectations. Additional charges, such as the cost of a replacement battery, can be added to the invoice. This transparency helps provide accurate pricing information to customers.

2.3. Excluding Tickets with Completed Status

The module configuration screen includes a trigger that allows you to exclude tickets with repair and completed, canceled, or similar status. By doing this, the default view will only display pending tickets or those requiring some form of action.

3. Creating a Repair Ticket

To create a repair ticket for a specific device repair, click on "Create Ticket." This action will open a new window where you can enter the required details. If you have just started using Repair Desk and want to update a ticket, simply click on the ticket number and enter the desired value.

When creating a repair ticket, it's essential to provide accurate repair details for efficient workflow management.

3.1. Customer Details

To start a repair ticket, enter the customer's details or search the existing customer database. You can search for a customer by name, phone number, or email address. This feature helps in retrieving customer information quickly. In case you would like to search from an existing customer database. You can search a customer by name, phone number or email address

3.2. Adding Device Issues

Select the device model, such as "iPhone 6," and specify the device issue. You can select multiple issues related to the customer's device or add new device issues. This step ensures proper identification of repair requirements.

3.3. Entering Device Information

Enter the device's IMEI or serial number, set the task finish date and time, and add the price for the repair. Click on "Add Line Item" to include the repair item in the ticket.

3.4. Assigning Tasks and Technicians

From the action menu, tasks can be assigned to technicians. This feature allows you to reassign tasks to different technicians based on their availability and workload.

4. Ticket Completion and Updates

Once the repair job is completed, it's crucial to update the ticket status and perform additional actions as needed.

4.1. Updating Ticket Status

When a repair job is completed, update the ticket status as "Repaired." This action will trigger the system to send a beautiful email and SMS to the customer, notifying them about the completion of their repair.

4.2. Adding Labor and Parts

Technicians can add labor or parts against each repair item. By linking a part with each repair, the software can calculate the profit earned on the repair. To link a part with each repair select repair reference, choose catalog item & click on add line item so RepairDesk can work out profit earned on this repair.

4.3. Warranty Claims and Repairs

Under the inventory section, you can process warranty claims for repair parts. This feature allows you to add a 90-day or one-year warranty against all repair parts. When a customer returns with a defective part during the warranty period, a warranty repair can be performed, and the ticket history will be updated accordingly.

4.4. Viewing Ticket History

The ticket history provides a single feed of all the activities related to the ticket. It includes creation information, customer communication, and official correspondence.

You can easily search and filter specific information or create new messages related to the ticket.

4.5. Calculate Profit

Calculate Profit: We know that Profit = Price - Total Cost.  
Suppose there is a repair for iPhone 7 screen replacement. The price of repair is $249.99. Tax and discount are $12.25 and $5 respectively, while the line item total comprising part cost is $129.
Now the profit will be calculated as following:
First discount would be subtracted from repair price:
$249.99 - $5 = $244.99
Now a tax will be calculated on this discounted price.
Tax = 5% x $244.99 = $12.25
As tax is exclusive in this example, tax would be added to get Subtotal: $244.99 + $12.25 = $257.24
We use the following formula for Subtotal
Subtotal = Repair Price - Discount + Tax
As tax is also applicable on part, therefore Line Total would be:
Line Total = Part Cost + Tax on Part
As the part is tax inclusive in this example therefore
Line Total = $129
Now from the subtotal we would subtract all costs, which in this example are part cost and tax:
Profit = Subtotal - Tax - Line Total
         = $257.24 - $12.25 - $129
Profit = $115.99
Note: Profit would be visible to admin only.


Now you can see the SKU/UPC of a specific part.

5. Export Repair Tickets to Excel Format

Now RepairDesk gives you the option to download a record of your repair tickets in the form of an Excel (.xls) file.
You can run a search filter of open or completed repair tickets during a certain time frame and export the entire database to Excel (.xls) format.
To get this Excel (.xls) file:
  1. Set parameters in Search Filter.
  2. Click on the Search button.
  3. Now click on the Export Tickets button to download an excel format file. This file will contain details of tickets according to your search criteria.
Once the file is downloaded you would be able to view:
  1. Ticket ID - Unique ID of the Repair Ticket
  2. Customer - Name of customer
  3. Devices - Devices associated with repairs
  4. Tasks - Repair job
  5. IMEI/ Serial - IMEI or Serial Number of Device
  6. Task Type - What kind of repair job is it? (in-store, in warranty etc.)
  7. Created By - Employee who created the ticket
  8. Assigned To - Employee to whom ticket was assigned
  9. Status - Status of repair ticket e.g. pending, repaired etc.
  10. Created Time - Date and time on which ticket is created
  11. Due On - Date on which repair job is set to be completed
  12. Price - Retail or sales price
  13. Discount - Discount on Price
  14. Tax - Tax applied.
  15. Total - Total amount of repair job

Email Service Receipt

Now you can also email the service receipt to your customers from the ticket listing page;

Key Takeaway

Congratulations! You have learned how to utilize the Repair Desk software efficiently. By following the instructions in this user manual, you can effectively manage repair tickets, track ticket history, assign tasks to technicians, and process warranty claims. Repair Desk is designed to streamline your wireless store operations and provide an exceptional customer experience.

Contact Support

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please visit our website at or email us at Our support team is ready to help you with any queries or concerns you may have.

Q. Can I view inventory items from tickets page?
A. When a ticket is in the 'Repaired and Collected' status, the 'Service Information' column shows the warranty days left. The 'Total' warranty days dynamically transforms into 'Warranty Days Left' once the ticket status is updated to 'Repaired and Collected'. The 'Warranty Days Left' information is accurately calculated based on the remaining warranty period. The change in display is reflected consistently for all relevant tickets on the 'View Ticket' page.

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