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Can I update/ edit an existing ticket's details?

Definitely! You can easily edit or update an existing ticket in RepairDesk. Let us show you how!

1. Go to Repairs >> Manage Tickets.

2. Click on the Action button against a ticket and select Edit

3. On the top, user can edit ticket name, update customer details, edit due date and referral channel 

4. Under the Device Details section, you can select the device, enter tasks, enter IMEI number, update its status, change the assigned employee, update due date, price and tax. Yu can also Diagnostic Notes against the ticket. 

 5. In Inventory Items section, user can select the item for repair job along with entering its description, notes, quantity, price, discount and tax class.

5. Under the Ticket Items section, the user can select repair reference, catalog item, update stock, change warranty and update costtax and quantity along with having the option of removing the item. 
Note: By default, the search result will prioritize items based on parts.
e.g. if iPhone lcd category is  marked as IS Part then upon search it will be displayed first. 

7. You can also add Private Comments, Diagnostic Notes, send Customer Messages via Email or SMS and view System Messages at the bottom. and you  can also track the delivery for sent email and SMS

8. Don't forget to hit the Save button once you're done in order to save any change which you would have made. 

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