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How to create an estimate for a product or a service within a ticket

Creating an estimate for a product or a service:

When you are on the new ticket page, you can also create an estimate of your services and inventory items ticket by following the steps below:

Note: In order to enable this option please make sure you enable the trigger first by going to:

Settings > Module Configuration > Tickets > Would you like to create an estimate against the ticket

  • After enabling the trigger, click on the Add New button.

  • You will see three options: Service, Estimate, Items.

  • Select the Estimate option to create an estimate for the service or an inventory item.

  • Upon selecting Estimate option, a drawer will appear where you can select the services or items for which you'd like to create an estimate.

  • Select the check box and click on the create estimate button to create an estimate.

  • Once the estimate is created, a new estimate card will be appeared on the right hand side where you will be able to see the estimate details.

    Important: Please note that once the estimate is created, you will not be able to modify that specific line item.

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