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How to add a new repair part & process a warranty claim for a repair part

Adding a new repair Part

Click on Add Part option in the parts drawer. 

A new drawer will open to create a new repair part.

Try to search the vendors SKU using Scan Pro functionality to fetch the part information, or enter the details manually.
Fields for a new repair part include:
  • Name, Category, Sub-Category, Manufacturer, Device/Model
  • Condition, Cost Price, Minimum Price, Retail Price, On Hand, Tax Class
  • Supplier, Warranty, Stock Warning, Reorder Level, SKU Code, UPC Code
  • Inventory Valuation Method
  • Tax Exclusive or Tax Inclusive radio button
  • Show on POS option.
Fill out all the mandatory fields to add a new repair part.

How to Process a Warranty Claim for a Repair Part

First, you need to make sure that the repair part that you added to the ticket has a warranty.

When the customer returns with a warranty claim, simply click on the part tag. 

A repair part drawer will open. If the part has been used, you will see the warranty claim option under the on hand column.

Simply click on the warranty claim option, add the replacement reason and update the status, whether it’s faulty or broken. 

Then, click Save. RepairDesk will automatically adjust inventory levels, update ticket history, and update the part status.

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