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Rush Jobs

Many repair shops utilize a rush fee in order to avoid last-minute panicked requests from walk-in customers, or you have a priority client that you know will flip out cause it took too long or the team didn’t finish the day before because of additional problems or part needs ordered overnight.

To prevent this to happen in future we have introduced an option to mark certain repair tickets as ‘high priority’, making them stand out on your Manage Tickets page.

This ensures that your technicians can quickly identify and complete urgent jobs, even across different shifts.

Salient Features

  • Marking Tickets as Rush Jobs: You can also mark it s Rush Job in the POS details page while creating a ticket.A pin icon is available next to each ticket ID in the manage tickets section. Hovering over this icon displays the text "Mark as rush Job." Clicking the pin icon marks the ticket as a rush job, moves it to the top of the list, and highlights it in yellow. A success message confirms the action: "Ticket ID marked as rush job." Only tickets that are not of the "Closed" type can be marked as rush jobs.
  • Unmarking Tickets from Rush Jobs: Clicking the pin icon again will unmark the ticket from rush jobs and return it to its original position. A success message confirms the action: "Ticket ID unmarked as Rush Job."
  • Visual Indication: Rush job tickets are highlighted in yellow for easy identification.
  • Filtering Rush Job Tickets: The filter section now includes a "Show Rush Jobs" checkbox. When selected, only rush job tickets are displayed. Rush job tickets are displayed at the top of the results if included in the filter criteria.
  • Rush Job Completion: When a rush job ticket is marked as completed, repaired, or collected, it is automatically removed from the rush jobs list.
  • Mark Rush Job from POS: A "Mark as Rush Job" checkbox is added to the last step of ticket creation in the POS. The checkbox is unchecked by default. Users can check it to mark the ticket as a rush job. A tooltip explains the checkbox’s purpose: prioritizing the ticket for urgent handling.
  • Rush Job Logs: Actions related to rush jobs are recorded in the employee activity log report and ticket logs, including marking and unmarking tickets as rush jobs.


Who can mark tickets as rush jobs?

By default, anyone can mark a ticket as Rush Job.

Can I unmark a ticket from being a rush job?

Yes, clicking the pin icon again will unmark the ticket from the rush jobs list and return it to its original position.

Are there any tickets that cannot be marked as rush jobs?

Yes, only tickets of the "Closed" type cannot be marked as rush jobs. All other ticket types are eligible.

How can I filter to see only rush job tickets?

In the filter section, select the "Show Rush Jobs" checkbox to display only rush job tickets.

What happens to a rush job ticket once it is completed?

Once a rush job ticket is marked as completed, repaired, or collected, it is automatically removed from the rush jobs list.

Can I mark a ticket as a rush job during its creation in POS?

Yes, a "Mark as Rush Job" checkbox is available in the last step of ticket creation in POS. Checking this box will mark the ticket as a rush job.

What visual indications are there for rush job tickets?

Rush job tickets are highlighted in yellow to make them easily distinguishable from regular tickets.

Can I see rush job tickets assigned to other employees?

Admin and super admin users can see all rush job tickets. Other users can only see the rush job tickets assigned to them unless the trigger is enabled under Store Settings > Module Configurations > Tickets > Display Tickets (assigned or unassigned) to all employees.

Q - Can the system automatically add rush fee to the ticket?

Not at the moment. You can manually add a "Rush Job Fee" by creating it as a product or miscellaneous item and including it in the transaction to charge the customer.

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