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RepairDesk Integration With Square Terminal

1. Connecting Square with RepairDesk

i. Login to RepairDesk and click on Integrations.

ii. Click the Click Here button.

iii. To integrate Square integration with your RepairDesk account, click on Connect.

iv. You will be redirected to the Sign In page for Square. Once on the Sign In page, enter your username and password and click on the Sign In button and then you will be asked to grant permission.

v. After successfully enabling the integration, select the location as shown below and click Continue. Note: Please ensure that the Location you select in RepairDesk matches the one you have set up in Square.

2. Connecting a Terminal

 *Make sure you have logged out from your Square account on your terminal before connecting it with your RepairDesk account.

i. Click on Connect Terminal.

ii. Now enter a suitable name for your terminal and click Generate Code.

iii. Now enter the generated code into your terminal (Sign in - Use a device code) to pair it with your RepairDesk account.

3. How to pay using Square?

i. Once you have enabled Square Integration while checking out you will see Square as a payment method. Select Square, enter the amount and click Process Payment.

ii. If you have more than one terminal connected, select one through which you want to process the payment.

iii. On selection of a terminal, it will show the amount to be deducted and you can swipe a card there.

iv. On successful payment a success message will occur.

4. How to refund using Square? 

i. Click Refund next to the invoice you want to reimburse.

ii. Now click Proceed. (If you want to add details then click on Refund Details)

iii. Enter the amount and then click Refund.

iv. On successful payment refund a success message will occur.

Interac transactions can now be completed in Canada without the physical presence of the card.

5. FAQs

i. Can I email an invoice with a payment link?

Using the RepairDesk Integration with Square, you have the option of sending customers an invoice with a convenient "Pay Now" button, which they can click to pay their dues online.

ii. Which countries can use the RepairDesk and Square integration right now?

The RepairDesk-Square integration is currently available only to repair stores in the:

  • US
  • UK
  • Canada
  • Australia

iii. Does this integration work with the RepairDesk browser app?

RepairDesk integration with Square terminal will work seamlessly with RepairDesk Classic version. We recommend using Google Chrome browser. 

iv. What hardware is available with the RepairDesk and Square integration?

Square Terminal is the only reader that is supported by RepairDesk at the moment.

v. Is Tipping / Gratuity supported with the integration?
Yes tipping / gratuity is supported with the integration. 

vi. Can I process refunds for Interac transactions on Square Terminal without requiring the customer’s physical card?

Yes! Previously, refunds for Interac transactions required the customer to be physically present with their card, or you had to disconnect the Square Terminal and process the refund directly from Square, which was both time-consuming and inconvenient.

With the latest update, this limitation has been resolved. You can now process Interac refunds smoothly without the need for a physical card. This enhancement makes the refund process much faster and more convenient for both you and your customers.

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