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How to setup Shopify Integration in RepairDesk?

Shopify provides you with the foundation to run an ecommerce business. As you venture into the online selling space, you’re expected to open an online store, showcase products, engage with customers, accept payments, and more. Shopify offers all the tools you need to manage each of those activities. Think of Shopify’s platform as a facilitator working to ease the process of selling products over the web.

The value it provides:

We developed Shopify’s integration with our Point of Sale software. This will provide an omni-channel solution to the users. You can manage inventory, customers, and orders from one system. Unify operations for your physical and online store by using this integration. You can save time and focus more on your other daily operations. You can start selling more without any hassle.


With this integration you can:

1.   Sync Product Info from RepairDesk to Shopify.

2.  Track Inventory & Stock from RepairDesk to Shopify.

3.  Track Orders from Shopify to RepairDesk.

4.  Get Customer & Shipping Details from Shopify to RepairDesk to fulfill your orders easily.

5.  Import Shopify Products to RepairDesk 



Make sure you have an active Repairdesk and Shopify Account. 

Before Connection:

1. Ensure Already Matching Product has the same name and SKU on both platforms for importing products. 

2. Confirm each product has a unique name and SKU.

3. Check your fulfillment priority in Shopify Location Settings.

4. Take Product List backups before the integration setup. 

5. Watch our videos for the setup.

How to setup?

1.    In RepairDesk, open the Integrations page.

2.    Find the Shopify icon and select Click Here Button. You will be redirected to the Connect page to establish a connection. 

3.    Input your Shopify store URL. Make sure you input your complete Shopify domain (e.g. Click Connect to Shopify button.

4.   If you're not already logged in to your Shopify store, you'll be asked to enter your Shopify login credentials.

Once setup is complete, your Shopify integration is live. From this point, there are still a number of things to configure.
You will be redirected to App Configuration Page to establish complete setup.


Q. How to configure integration settings?

Integration Configuration Page

You will see the Connected tag and your entered Shopify Store URL after a successful connection is established on Configuration 

To cancel the connection between Shopify and RepairDesk, you can select --> Disconnect Button.


1. The first four Triggers: will be pre-checked once the connection is established. You can check and un-check the trigger as per your needs.

2. After selecting relevant triggers, you can hit à Sync & Save button to save the changes.

Import Products from Shopify for the first time

1.   You can select à Import Now Button to import all the products from Shopify to RepairDesk.

2.   For the first time importing, it will check products with similar SKUs inside RepairDesk and will not duplicate products already present in RepairDesk.

3.    Products details will be synced within RepairDesk.

Note: Multiple images from Shopify to RepairDesk can’t be imported due to limitations.

Note: Products from Shopify will be automatically synced to RepairDesk after the connection is established. 

Note: The similar SKU is only checked for the first time for the Products present on both platforms before the connection is established. After that, there is no check for SKU match because the products from Shopify will be synced automatically on Repairdesk with stock and details.

You can check more about product info that does and doesn’t sync in the product info section of this article.

Category Syncing

1. Choose which RepairDesk categories/sub categories you want to sync with shopify.

2. For Trade-in Category, you can give Trade-In Category with an alternative online name to sell.

3. You can select as many categories you want and select Save & Sync Button to sync successfully.

4. All the products against categories/sub categories will be synced to Shopify.

5. Your synced Categories/Sub Categories will be pushed to product type field of Shopify product.

Note: Only the stock for Trade-in Items with 'In-Stock' status will be synced to Shopify. 

Map Locations to store


1.  Shopify Locations need to be enabled within Shopify before you begin the set-up steps below. Navigate Settings à Locations. Click Add Location and follow the prompts. You can ignore the Shopify warning for quantities being set to 0 as Repairdesk will sync inventory over once you've completed the process below. Click on à View Fulfillment Priority to choose which locations are assigned new orders first. Inventory will be deducted based on Fulfillment Priority set in the Locations Section.

2. To enable multi-location inventory syncing within pre-existing Shopify integrations, you must update your RepairDesk app permissions again.  

3. On RepairDesk configuration page for Shopify, you will see a section titled Sync RepairDesk Stores to Shopify Locations.

4. In this section, you will see a list of your RepairDesk stores with Shopify location to map inventory between them.

5. Map each Stores with each Shopify Location and Click Save & Sync button on Configuration Settings Page of the integration

Your inventory from these outlets will be combined and displayed on the synced products in your Shopify store. 

Orders Syncing:

1. Make sure the trigger is checked on the configuration setting trigger section to automatically create an invoice inside Repairdesk after each Shopify order. 

2.  You can view invoices in your Repairdesk Store once the Shopify Order is fulfilled. 

3.  Invoices with paid status will come if and only if the Shopify order status is paid.

4. Invoices with unpaid status will come if and only if the Shopify order is unpaid. 
5. You can View Source as Shopify, Shopify Order ID, Customer Information, Order Line item and Shipping line item (if shipping is charged) against Shopify order will be shown inside the Repairdesk Invoice details as a line item.

6. The Payment Date, Employee Name (Super Admin), Payment Method, Source, the amount paid, transactions notes as Payment Added via Shopify Integration Webhook will be recorded against the payment history if and only if the invoice is paid.  

 7. The paid invoices will be recorded against the transaction log.

Product Info that Syncs:

RepairDesk                                   Shopify

Product Name                                 Title

Description                                      Description

Upload Images                                Media

Category/Sub Category                   Product Type

Online Price                                      Price

On Hand Quantity                             Quantity

SKU                                                   SKU

Supplier                                             Vendor

Product Attributes                              Tags

Product Info that doesn’t sync:

RepairDesk                                   Shopify

Cost price                                     Cost

N/A                                                Shipping Weight

N/A                                                Variants

Integration Impacts and FAQs

Q. Can I create an invoice (order) in RepairDesk without syncing my Shopify inventory items to RepairDesk?

A. Yes, you can create an invoice in RepairDesk for your online Shopify order, even if the item doesn't exist in RepairDesk's inventory. To do this, follow these steps:

1: Go to the Shopify Configuration settings in RepairDesk.
2: Enable the option under Triggers labeled "Use this flag to sync orders from your online store with RepairDesk."

Before enabling this option, ensure that all other triggers above this option are disabled. Once enabled, items that are not managed in RepairDesk's inventory will still appear on the invoice.

However, if the system detects an SKU that exists in RepairDesk's inventory, it will automatically adjust the inventory levels when the order is processed.

Note: Since RepairDesk doesn't support "Product Variants," this option is particularly useful if you sell variant items through Shopify.

Q.  Where I will find option to upload long description section on product page for syncing it to Shopify from RepairDesk?
A.  The long description text area on add a product page will be populated once the integration is established. You can view them in the Add More Info dropdown of product details. 

Q. Where I will find option to upload multiple images on the product page for syncing them to Shopify from RepairDesk?
A. The multiple images an option on add a product page will be populated once the integration is established and Button à Save Item is selected against the product.

Q. Can I sync a single product from RepairDesk to my Shopify Store?
A. Yes, you can select 'YES' against trigger 'Sync with Shopify' in the setting section of the Product page inside RepairDesk to sync single products. 


Q. How can I view history against the RepairDesk product on API changes?
You can view the Admin History section against the RepairDesk Product on each API Change.

Q. How the Trade-in Product from RepairDesk will sync to Shopify?
Only the in-stock Trade-in Products will be synced to Shopify. The Category name of Trade-in will be synced to Shopify Product Type.
Only the online price field will sync to Shopify Product Price. The multiple images and long descriptions can be synced to Shopify. 

Q. On which store inside RepairDesk, I will be able to see invoices?
A.  The stock is deducted and updated on order generation in Shopify. When the order is fulfilled and it will check the mapped location with RD Store on fulfilling items against the order. The invoice will be generated on Repairdesk Store once you fulfill items against the order. 

Q. How the customer syncing will work?
A. The new customer will be created inside RepairDesk if and only if the new email or new phone number with this pattern will be entered against the order in the customer details and an invoice is generated inside Repairdesk after the user fulfill items against the order.

+(CountryCode)(Number) --> without spaces

Q. Where I can see the name of RepairDesk categories/subcategories on the Shopify product page?
A.  All the categories/Sub Categories synced from RepairDesk to Shopify will be pushed into the product type field of the Shopify product.

Q. Does multiple images imported from Shopify to RepairDesk?
A.  Multiple Images from Shopify products to RepairDesk products can’t be synced/imported.

Q. What price field against the product is set for syncing from RepairDesk to Shopify?
A. This is the priority if the online price field is empty.
Highest: Online Price Field
2nd Highest: Promotional Price Field
Lowest: Retail Price Field.    

It is recommended to use the online price field for syncing to Shopify Price Field. Make sure you have similar on both platforms because on product updates from Shopify, the Shopify price will be synced to the same price field inside RepairDesk.


Q. On which basis items are sync with RepairDesk?
A. A similar SKU is only checked for the first time for the Products present on both platforms before the connection is established.
After that, it will be synced automatically.
Similar SKU or Name of the product can’t be verified.  

Q. How does the serialized product syncing will work?
The serialized product inventory count will be synced to Shopify. On fulfilling the order inside Shopify, the invoice will be generated inside RepairDesk. On edit invoice view, you can manually add serial against the invoice inside RepairDesk to deduct serial from the inventory for that item.
Note: Shopify doesn't cater to product serials.

Q. How can I make collections on Shopify from my product type?
A. Inside Shopify Settings Section --> Select Collection. Just select Add Collection option and specify the collection name and select the product type name equal to RepairDesk Category name synced after connection to Product Type Field. 

Q. What will be the impact Cash Register?
A.  The online sales cash register is being created once an invoice is generated in the store from where the invoice is created first. The system will start a shift and it will not be visible to you.

You can’t close the Online Sales register or end the shift against the online sales register.

Q. Will the paid invoices will be recorded in the transaction log?
A.  Yes, the paid invoices will be recorded in the transaction log.

Q. What impact will be on Z-Report of Virtual Cash Register?
A.  The Z-report will show the online sales cash register as opened once the invoice of Shopify order is generated inside RepairDesk. There will be no changes in the opening and closing balances of the online sales register. 

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