Employee and Store KPIs
Now in RepairDesk, you can view the Employee and Store KPIs through the Admin Dashboard. Simply go to the Admin Dashboard, where you will see two different tabs. Click on the Store KPIs and you will be able to view the KPI Dashboard. With the help of this dashboard, you will be able to make decisions and understand your business performance. It will help you to quickly summarize sales performance so you can get important facts about your business.
Store KPIs
The Store KPIs will be shown to the admin and super admin by default. You will be able to view insights of your store and employees on a single page!

1- The Currency Per Ticket will show the average of the completed and paid tickets. Formula for Currency Per Ticket:
Total Sales (For Repaired, Repaired and Collected, Unlocked, Completed or any other custom status suggesting the completion of tickets having paid invoices) / Total number of closed tickets (with paid invoices).
If more than one store is selected, then the average for the selected stores will be taken.
Formula: (Total Sales at Store 1 + Total Sales at Store 2) / Total number of closed tickets at Store 1 + Total number of closed tickets at Store 2) for paid invoices
2- The Repair Line Item is the repair service assigned to each employee. The total number of successful repair line items against the employees will be displayed here.
3- Profit per customer is the net profit against completed invoices divided by number of customers (who have paid their invoices).
4- The Devices sold are the total number of devices sold including trade in items. To mark a product as a device, please go to Manage Product Categories and mark the categories as devices.

Please note that the Trade in items will be considered as Devices by default.
5- In the Product Cost Percentage card, you will be shown the percentage of COGS divided by Total Sales. Please note that the repair and unlocking services will not be included in this card.
6- Number of Customers are the total number of unique customers (including walk-in customers) who made complete payments against their invoices.
7- Attachment rate is the total number of items added in a repair ticket (inventory, part, trade in items etc) except for repair or unlocking service divided by total number of closed tickets for paid invoices.
8- In the Shop Visitors graph, the total number of customers visited at a particular time will be shown. The display of customers will be shown on the basis of invoice or ticket creation and trade in sale or purchase time through which the peak hours will be detected.
9- In the Payment Methods card, you will be shown the total amount paid against a specific payment type.
10- Top Performers show the rankings of employees based on the total sale made and the number of tickets repaired by that employee.
Important: The green bar in these cards show the compared percentage with the specified time. You will be able to view an increase or decrease in your values against these cards.
The Employee and Store filters allow you to view the data based on the selected store or employee. Through the compared filter, you will be able to view the compared data against the specified time.
Employee KPIs
In order for the employee to view the dashboard, you have to give them access to the Admin and KPI Dashboards (both) from the Manage Roles and Permission.After giving access to the employee, they will be able to view the Employee KPIs dashboard. Please refer to the following image.

The view for the Store and Employee KPI dashboard will be the same, except for the Shop visitors graph. The employees won’t be able to view the shop visitors graph and they will not be shown the employee filter.