EPSON Printer Direct Integration
Our EPSON Printer Integration allows the RepairDesk Web App to pair with a number of different EPSON printers connected to your network. Once connected, you can easily carry out your standard ticketing procedure, and have everything conveniently printed at checkout to the designated printer. After a fairly simple setup process, you’ll have the ability to schedule prints to your EPSON printer.
Benefits of having EPSON Printer
By having an EPSON Printer, you can add the following benefits to your business
1. Convenience
2. Save Power
3. Direct Printer Support with RepairDesk
In order to check the printer in action, please watch the video below
For Mac Users
For Windows Users
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Which models of EPSON printer are compatible with my system?
A. In order to get the list of compatible printers, please click on compatible printers tab on left bar menu in printer settings.
Q. Do we have EPSON printer support on iPad POS?
A. Yes, EPSON printer is compatible with iPad POS. To learn more about it, please refer to this article.
Q. Does this printer support multiple terminals?
A. Yes definitely, if you have multiple terminals set up, then while printing you will get the pop-up where you can select the printer to take out the print. To set up multiple terminals, head to EPSON printer settings --> Multi terminal setup

If the trigger is marked as Yes, then while taking out the print, you will be asked to select the printer.
Q. How can I install the driver?
A. The driver installation process is different for windows and MAC. The step by step details for installing the drivers for both operating systems is given below.
For Windows
1. To install the Epson printer driver for Windows, you’ll first need to download the driver from the Epson website.

2. Once the driver has been downloaded, it’s time to install. Extract the contents from the ZIP file and launch the installation files inside. You’ll be guided through the process as the drivers are installed.
3. When the setup is complete, you’ll be taken to a new window where you can register your printer. On this page, go to the Port Type underneath the Communication Settings section, and select “Ethernet”. Then in the Port field and enter the IP address you printed out.

4. To complete the process, under the Apply section, select “Set as Default Printer”, click “Save Settings” and then click “Close”.
5. You will now be asked to run a test print to confirm. Click on “Yes” to print your rest receipt and confirm that your printer is configured properly.
For Mac
1. You’ll need to have the Epson printer driver installed on your system. To install the Epson printer driver for Mac OS, you’ll first need to download the driver from the Epson website.
2. Once the driver has been downloaded, it’s time to install. Extract the contents from the ZIP file and launch the installation files inside. You’ll be guided through the process as the drivers are installed.
3. When the setup is complete, open your Mac’s System Preferences, and navigate to “Printers & Scanners”.

4. From here, click the ‘plus’ (+) icon on the bottom-left of the screen to install a new printer.

5. On the next screen, click on the IP tab, and in the Address field, enter the IP address you printed out earlier. Once you’re done, click on ‘Add’.
6. You’ll now see the printer added to your list on the left. Right-click the printer entry, and select ‘Set default printer’.
7. Your printer is now configured for Mac OS.
Q. How can I install the certificate?
For Windows
1. After the driver is installed successfully,
you’ll also need to install the proper certificates so your browser can access the printer properly. To do this, open up your web browser, and in the address bar, enter the IP address of your printer.
2. You’ll receive a warning message that the site you’re visiting is unsecured. You can safely ignore the warning for now and proceed to access it anyway.
3. On the next screen, you’ll be asked for a username and password. Type “Epson” in lowercase both fields, and proceed.
4. Next, from the left sidebar, go to the “SSL/TLS” settings under the “Security” section. Once here, under the “Self-Signed Certificate” section, click on the “Create” button. This will take you to a new screen, where you’ll find another “Create” button. Click on it to proceed.
5. You’ll now be asked to reset your printer. Click on the “Reset” button to move forward.
6. Now, on your Chrome browser on Windows, click on the warning in the browser bar where you entered the IP, and click on Certificate. Go to the Details tab, and click on “Copy to File”. Follow the instructions and enter a destination and name for your file, and export it.
7. Now go to your Chrome browser settings, click on the “Security” option, and then click on “Manage Certificates.” A new window will pop up.
8. Here, go to the “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” tab and click on “Import” to select the file you created. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the certificate successfully.
For Mac
1. You’ll also need to install the proper certificates so your browser can access the printer properly. To do this, open up your web browser, and in the address bar, enter the IP address of your printer.
2. You’ll receive a warning message that the site you’re visiting is unsecured. You can safely ignore the warning for now and proceed to access it anyway.
3. On the next screen, you’ll be asked for a username and password. Type “epson” in lowercase both fields, and proceed.
4. Next, from the left sidebar, go to the “SSL/TLS” settings under the “Security” section. Once here, under the “Self-Signed Certificate” section, click on the “Create” button. This will take you to a new screen, where you’ll find another “Create” button. Click on it to proceed.
5. You’ll now be asked to reset your printer. Click on the “Reset” button to move forward.
6. Now, on your Chrome browser on Mac OS, click on the warning in the browser bar where you entered the IP, and click on Certificate. When the certificate appears, use your mouse to drag it on to your desktop to save it on your system.
7. Once it’s saved, double-click on the certificate file to add it to your Keychain.
8. Now double-click on the certificate in your Keychain to open up its settings, and select “Always Trust” from the combo box. Your certificate is now successfully installed.