How can I set serial as the default input field when creating a ticket?
It depends upon a business that either they enter serials while booking a repair or in some cases they use IMEI.
Based on your business requirements you can set the default input fields while creating a ticket.
To set this trigger just follow these steps:
1. Log in to RepairDesk.
2. Head to Store Settings.
3. Click on Module Configuration.
4. From the list, select Repairs.
5. On Repairs Configuration & Settings page (as shown in the screenshot), select default Input criteria
5. Once done, click on the Save button to implement these changes.

Q. Is there any way I can disable IMEI criteria while creating a ticket?
A. yes you can do that by setting default criteria as serial and then you can disable IMEI field.
A. yes you can do that by setting default criteria as serial and then you can disable IMEI field.