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How can I set serial as the default input field when creating a ticket?

While creating a repair ticket from POS or directly from Manage Tickets screen, you are asked to enter device IMEI or Serial Number.

It depends upon a business that either they enter serials while booking a repair or in some cases they use IMEI.
Based on your business requirements you can set the default input fields while creating a ticket.

To set this trigger just follow these steps:

1. Log in to RepairDesk.
2. Head to Store Settings.
3. Click on Module Configuration.
4. From the list, select Repairs.
5. On Repairs Configuration & Settings page (as shown in the screenshot), select default Input criteria
5. Once done, click on the Save button to implement these changes.


Q. Is there any way I can disable IMEI criteria while creating a ticket? 
A. yes you can do that by setting default criteria as serial and then you can disable IMEI field.

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