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RepairDesk SMS

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RepairDesk SMS Integration

RepairDesk SMS is a powerful feature that allows you to send and receive text messages directly from your RepairDesk software. This integration provides a convenient way to stay connected with your customers, send real-time job notifications or appointment reminders, and even create custom promotional SMS campaigns. In this knowledgebase article, we will discuss the features of RepairDesk SMS, the supported countries, and provide answers to frequently asked questions.

Powerful Features

  1. Real-time Job Notifications and Appointment Reminders: With RepairDesk SMS, you can send important updates and reminders to your customers instantly. Keep them informed about the status of their repair jobs or remind them about upcoming appointments without any hassle. When a customer respond to that message you'll receive their response within RepairDesk. 

  2. Opt-out Link for Customers: To comply with regulations and ensure customer satisfaction, RepairDesk SMS includes an opt-out link in all SMS messages. If customers no longer wish to receive SMS from you, they can easily unsubscribe by clicking on the provided link.

  3. Receive Customer SMS on Virtual Number: Even if the customer record does not exist in RepairDesk, you can still receive SMS from them on your virtual number. Stay connected with your customers effortlessly, regardless of whether they are registered in your system or not.

Supported Countries

RepairDesk SMS integration is supported in the following countries:

  1. Australia

  2. Canada

  3. United Kingdom

  4. United States

If your country is not listed and you would like to use RepairDesk sms, please contact us at 

How To Setup: 

Frequently Asked Questions?

Q1. Does RepairDesk SMS support MMS?
A. Using RepairDesk SMS, you can send or receive MMS in the "USA and Canada" only. 

If a customer sends you an MMS you'll be able to view the MMS on a pop up notification, tickets view page, or SMS inbox however to send an MMS you'll need to have an active subscription for RepairDesk Connect or the RepairDesk integrated phone system that allows you to send and receive SMS using the 3CX mobile app.  

The cost to send and receive an MMS is 4 SMS credits

Q2. Can I get a local phone number?
A. Currently you can buy a local phone number for the following regions:

1. Australia
2. Canada
3. United Kingdom
4. United States

Q3. Does RepairDesk SMS support 2 way messaging?
A. Yes absolutely, you can send and receive SMS by purchasing a virtual number along with an SMS plan.

Q4. I'm on trial. Can I test RepairDesk SMS?
A. At present, RepairDesk SMS can be tested on the paid package.

Q5. If the customer record does not exist, can I still receive an SMS from my customer on my virtual number?
A.  Yes indeed. If the customer sends an SMS to your virtual number, it will show up in your SMS inbox. The SMS alert against these messages will only be shown to default store users.

Q6. Can I send a promotional SMS blast to all of our customers?
A. We don't recommend merchants any longer send promotional campaigns via SMS. The TCPA rule stipulates that businesses and/or organizations must receive express written consent from individuals prior to sending any auto-dialed SMS/text messages to them. Please read more about TCPA compliance or consult with your general counsel. 

Q7. Is there any expiry to SMS credits?
A. No, your SMS credits will never expire and you can use them without any time limitation. However, if you purchase more credits while you have some credits available in your last package, they will be added to the new plan subscription.

Q9. Can I track the delivery of SMS send out to customers?
A. You can easily track the status of SMS being sent to customers by accessing the inbox/outbox. The history of SMS sent to customers can be tracked from the SMS outbox whereas the history of SMS received from customers can be tracked from SMS Inbox. Also, you can view SMS replies received by a specific customer under View Customer --> Email/SMS.

Q10. What is the maximum message length with RepairDesk SMS?
A. You can send a message of up to 160 characters using RepairDesk SMS. If the length of the SMS is 160 characters or exceeds this limit, then it will result in the consumption of one extra credit.

Note: if you use special characters then you will be charged extra credits.

Q11. What is the virtual number and how much does it cost?
A. A virtual phone number is a telephone number that allows you to redirect and route calls from one number to another number. A recurring fee is charged against virtual number subscriptions which vary from country to country.

Note: Please note that the virtual number subscription is different from the RepairDesk subscription. So if you want to cancel your subscription to RepairDesk, you need to cancel the subscription to the virtual number separately.

Q12. Can I see the reason why a customer has opted out of my SMS campaign?
A. Yes absolutely. You can view the opt-out reason on the View Customers screen as shown below

Q13. Does RepairDesk SMS work along with ClickaTell and other SMS integrations?
A. No. Any other SMS integration will not work along with RepairDesk SMS.

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