Item-wise Sales Report
The purpose of the Item Wise Sales Report in RepairDesk is to provide a daily insight into the cash received and the profit generated by each item and service sold. This report will only display data for fully paid invoices, and it will only consider line item discounts against an item.
Note: By default, the report will display data for the current date.
This report is beneficial for your business as it provides a daily understanding of your cash flow and actual cash received. It allows you to analyze the sales performance of each item and service, helping you make informed decisions regarding inventory management and pricing strategies.
1. Search Filters:

The Sales by Item report offers various search filters to help you customize the report according to your specific requirements:
- Store: You can choose to filter data for a single or multiple stores.
- Date: Set the desired date range for the report.
- Customer: Filter the report based on a specific customer.
- Select criteria: The following fields are available under criteria:
- Type: Filter the report based on the type of item.
- Category: Select the category based on the chosen type.
- SKU: Search for a specific item using its SKU.
- Invoice ID: Search for a specific invoice using its ID.
- Manufacturer: Find items by the manufacturer.
- Device: Search for items based on the associated device.
- Product Name: Enter the name or keyword of an item or service to search the sales report.
- Refunded Invoice: If selected, the report will display refunded invoices for the specified date.
- Serial Number: Search for an item by its serial number.
2. Export Options
Once you have applied the desired filters, you can take further actions on the generated report:

- Excel
3. Report Columns:
The Item Wise Sales Report includes the following columns:

- Stores: Displays the name of the store. By default, it shows data for the current store.
- Date: Shows the date of the transaction.
- Invoice ID: Displays the invoice ID for each transaction.
- Customer: Shows the name of the customer associated with the purchase.
- Type: Displays the type of item used in the transaction.
- Category: Shows the category of the item.
- Product Name: Displays the name of the item.
- Quantity: Shows the quantity of the line item in the transaction.
- Total Sales: Displays the total sale amount for the item.
- Discount: Shows the discount applied to the item being sold.
- COGS: Displays the Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) for all repairs, unlocking, trade-in, accessories, and casual items.
- Net Profit: Calculates the net profit as ((total sales - discount) - COGS).
- Net Profit Margin: Calculates the Net Profit Margin as ((total sales - discount) - COGS) / (total sales - discount).
- Total Tax: Displays the tax applied to repairs, unlocking, trade-in, accessories, and casual items.
Key Takeaway
This comprehensive Item Wise Sales Report allows you to monitor your daily sales performance and make data-driven decisions to enhance your business profitability.
Contact Support
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please visit our website at or email us at [email protected]. Our support team is ready to help you with any queries or concerns you may have.