Payroll Payments Report
Payroll Payments Report allows you to view and pay the payroll of the employees. It shows status, store, pay period, pay schedule, working days, total hours worked, commissions and other details to give you complete view of the payroll.
Store: You can filter the payroll on the basis of single or multiple stores.
Employee: Select the employee name to generate the report for the particular employee.
Status: You can filter the report by specifying the status as paid or unpaid.
Pay Schedule: You can filter the report through the pay schedule on Daily, Weekly or Monthly Basis.
Month: Report can be filtered on the basis of some specific month.
Year: You can also run report by specifying the year for this report.

Employee: This column shows the employee Name.
Status: Status of the Payroll (Paid or Unpaid) is shown in this column of the report.
Store: This column depicts the store name in which the employee is working.
Pay Period: Pay Period column gives the duration of the payroll like December 2018.
Pay Schedule: Specified Pay Schedule (Daily, Weekly, and Monthly) is shown in this column.
Working Days: This column gives the total working days of an employee.
Total Hours Worked: Total Worked hours of an employee are shown in this report column.
Calculation Base: Calculation Base like hourly is displayed in this column.
Hour Rate: Hour Rate for an employee is displayed in this column.
Commissions: Commissions of an employee is shown in this column.
Net Pay: Net Pay of an employee is displayed in this column.