How can I generate an API Key?
Please follow the steps below to get the API Key
1. Logging in to RepairDesk.
2. Heading to Store Settings.
3. Under the Other Information section, you will find an API generated for you under the heading API KEY.

4. To reset the API key, click on Reset. RepairDesk will ask for confirmation. Click on Yes to proceed.

5. Hit the Save Changes button to confirm changes.
B. Settings & Requirements
To start working on API, you would need some information from our side. We're mentioning these details below (For your eyes only):
Base URL: To work on API, please use the URL:
Request Rate: Currently, you can send up to 50 requests per minute. Once the limit is reached, you'll receive an error message.
Format: RepairDesk will return data in JSON format. You can send data in regular encoding or by setting the content type as JSON while using it in the body.
You will also be able to send a simple HTTP GET request to many endpoints. To do that, set the API Key parameter as follows:
If you have any further questions that you can't find the answer to, please get in touch with us by sending us an email [email protected]