How can I manage invoices in RepairDesk?
1. Access

- On the header, click on "Repairs" and select "Manage Invoices" from the list.
- You will be redirected to the main listing page of invoices.
- From here, you can sort invoices, search for specific ones using the search filter, create new invoices, export invoices as CSV files, perform actions on single or multiple invoices, and view the status of invoices through graphical representations.
2. Search Filter

- On the Manage Invoices screen, interact with the search filter portion.
- Enter relevant parameters in the provided fields.
- Customer Name: This filter allows you to search for invoices by customer name.
- Invoice ID: This filter allows you to search for invoices by the invoice number.
- Invoice Status: This filter allows you to search for invoices by their status. The possible statuses are:
- Partial
- Paid
- Refunded
- Unpaid
- Overpaid
- Employee: This filter allows you to select an employee who is responsible for a specific invoice that you are searching for.
- Date: This filter allows you to search for invoices by their date. You can specify a range of dates, or you can specify a single date.
- Payment Date: The payment date filter allows you to search for invoices by their payment date. You can specify a range of dates, or you can specify a single date.
- Select Criteria: Here you can select the relevant payment criteria.
- At last click 'Search' button.
For example, you could search for all invoices for a customer named "John Smith" that were generated between January 1st, 2023 and March 31st, 2023.
3. Graphical Representation
- Total Sales: This is the total amount of money that has been generated from sales.
- Total Invoices: This is the total number of invoices that have been created.
- Total Tax: This is the total amount of tax that has been collected.
- Account Receivable: This is the total amount of money that is owed to the business.
- Total Refunds: This is the total amount of money that has been refunded to customers.
- Total Account Receivables (as of today): This is the total amount of money that is owed to the business as of today.
- Total Tips: This is the total amount of money that has been tipped to employees.
- Tipping Amount: This is the amount of money that has been tipped to employees in the current day.
4. Export Invoices
- Click on the "Export Invoices" option.

- A CSV file containing key details about each invoice will be automatically downloaded to your system.
5. Create a New Invoice
- Go to the Manage Invoices screen.
- Click on the "Create Invoice" button.

- You will be redirected to a screen where you can enter relevant information such as customer details, product information, and order details.

- Details of the fields are as followed;
- Payment Invoice Number: You can edit the payment invoice number by clicking on pen icon in front of default payment invoice number.
- Customer: You can search for pre added customer or add a new customer by clicking on 'New' button. You can also add notes by clicking 'Notes' button.
- Order Date: This is the date that the order was placed.
- Due Date: This is the date that the order is due.
- P.O/S.O: This is the purchase order or sales order number for the order.
- SLOAGN: This is the service level agreement number for the order.
- FOOTER: This is the footer of the invoice, which typically includes contact information, payment terms, and other legal information.
- Terms & Conditions: These are the terms and conditions of the invoice, which typically outline the payment terms, warranty information, and other legal information.
- Once all necessary information is added, click "Save" to create the invoice.

- You can also create an invoice from the ticket screen. (Refer to Manage Tickets Article)
6. Perform Action on Multiple Invoices

- Edit: This action allows you to edit the invoice. You can change the invoice information, such as the customer name, date, and total amount. You can also add or remove line items, taxes, and payments.
- Clone: This action allows you to create a clone of the invoice. The clone will have the same information as the original invoice, but it will have a new invoice number. This can be useful if you need to create a new invoice for the same customer with the same information.
- Create Subscription: This action allows you to create a subscription from the invoice. A subscription is a recurring invoice that is sent to a customer on a regular basis. This can be useful for businesses that offer monthly or annual subscriptions.
- Add Payment: This action allows you to add a payment to the invoice. The payment can be made by the customer or by the business. This can be useful if the customer has already made a payment or if the business needs to make a partial payment.
Note: If adding payments one by one feels tedious, RepairDesk offers the ability to add payments to multiple invoices at once.
- Email Invoice: This action allows you to email the invoice to the customer. This can be useful if you need to send the invoice to the customer electronically.
- Print Invoice: This action allows you to print the invoice. This can be useful if you need to print the invoice for your records or if you need to send the invoice to the customer in hard copy.
- Print Thermal Invoice: This action allows you to print the invoice on a thermal printer. This can be useful if you need to print the invoice quickly and easily.
- Export as PDF: This action allows you to export the invoice as a PDF file. This can be useful if you need to store the invoice electronically or if you need to share the invoice with someone else.
- Customer Signature: This action allows you to collect the customer's signature on the invoice. This can be useful if the invoice is for a large amount of money or if the invoice is for a service that has been performed at the customer's home.
7. Customize Invoices
Contact Support
Q. How can I view invoices that are generated from tickets?
A. You can view invoices that are generated from tickets or without tickets by selecting the Reference criteria from the Select Criteria drop-down.
Follow the following steps:
Go to the Invoices listing page.
Click on the Select Criteria dropdown and select the Reference criteria.
Click on any of the desired options from the reference dropdown.
After selecting any of the above options, click on the search button to view the results.
Q. How can I add internal notes on an invoice?
A. You can add the internal notes in invoices for your employees as you add them in the ticket section. What you need to do is, you have to go to the invoices section and you have to create a new invoice.
Note: You can also add the internal notes on already existing Invoices
Manage Invoices > Create Invoice or update Invoice
After adding the internal notes, you can view them or edit them by clicking on the invoice from the listing.
After selecting the invoice from the listing page, you can see the added internal notes under the private comments tab at the bottom of the screen
If you want to restrict your employees from changing the internal notes, you can also do that.
In order to restrict your employee from changing the internal notes, you have to disable the permission against your employees by going to the roles and permission section.
Settings > Employees > Manage Roles and permission > Invoices > change internal notes
After disabling the permission, your employee wouldn’t be able to edit the internal notes.
Q. How can I restrict employees from changing prices of items on an invoice?
A. RepairDesk provides you multiple triggers from where you can manage access of various parts of the app. You can also change settings for your employees, enabling or restricting them from modifying prices on invoices. To do so:
1. Head to Roles Permission under Employees in Settings.
2. Select Employee Role.
3. Click on Invoices section to expand section and view triggers.
4. Disable the trigger "Change Price & Tax".
5. Click on Save Changes.
Now employees belonging to the selected role cannot modify prices or tax in invoices.
Q.Can i view stock of other store while creating invoice through manage invoice?
A. yes you can see stock of other store while making invoice, but its based on permission assigned to specific role.
Q: Can I hide the discount column and inline discount from the invoice receipt?
Yes, you can. Repairdesk now offers an option to hide the discount column and inline discount from the invoice receipt. You can choose to hide these elements if they are not relevant to your invoicing process.
Q: Is there a way to see the total tax amount in the invoice listing?
Yes, you can now view the total tax amount on the invoice listing page. You don't need to open each invoice individually to check the tax amount. This feature makes it convenient to see the overall tax amount for your invoices.
Q: How can I refund invoices directly from the manage invoices page in RepairDesk?
A: RepairDesk now allows you to refund invoices directly from the manage invoices page even if you don't have an access to the POS.
Here’s how you can use this feature:
Permission Settings:
In order to process the refund from manage invoices, you need to enable the permission first. Go to Settings > Employees > Manage Roles Permission > POS.
Enable the Give Refunds permission.
Important: Please note that admins and super admins users will have the default permission to give refunds
Employees with the Give Refunds permission will see a Refund option in the action dropdown menu for invoices.
Employees without this permission will not see the refund option under the action dropdown.
Clicking the Refund option redirects the user to the POS interface and opens a refund popup.
After clicking on the proceed button, the item will be loaded in the cart, and only the checkout button will be enabled to process the refund If your employee doesn't have an access to the POS.
Upon successful refund, the user will be redirected back to the manage invoices page.
By following these steps, you can efficiently process refunds directly from the manage invoices page in RepairDesk.