How to display time in 12 or 24 hour format in RepairDesk?
RepairDesk provides both options to its users. You can select any time format and it would be implemented throughout the system. Want to know how? Let us show you!
1. Log into your RepairDesk account via web browser.
2. Go to Settings by clicking on the gear icon and go to General Settings.
3. Go to Time Format field and click on the drop-down menu.
4. Select 12 hour (AM/ PM) or 24 hour format for displaying time.
5. Finally, click on Save Changes button at the bottom.

If you want to revert back to any other time format go through steps 3 to 5 to select an alternate time format.
Now time will be displayed in your preferred format everywhere in RepairDesk and you can specify time anywhere in your preferred time format.

Q. Is it possible to display prices with comma separator?
A. Absolutely! To do so:
1. Head to Store Settings.
2. Go to the Other Information section.
3. In Price Format field, select decimal separator from the drop-down menu. You can wither select Decimal (.) or Comma (,).

4. Finally, click on Save to apply settings.
Now prices will be displayed according to the decimal separator which you have selected, throughout RepairDesk.