Discounts are an important part of your sales process and provide a great incentive to your customers to shop with you. RepairDesk allows you to offer both an overall and an in-line discount to your customers. You can offer discounts either in the form of a particular amount or percentage.
Using RepairDesk, you can offer discounts on individual items on your list. This is known as an in-line discount.
Your discount will be applied to the item you have set it for only, and will not be applied for any other items. This makes it great for offering discounts on specific items. Please note that your discount is applied exclusive of tax in in-line, meaning the discounted price is calculated first, and the tax is applied on top of that.
To apply an in-line
discount, you'll first need to add items to your cart. When you have added an
item to the cart after confirming the order details, click on Discount.
Users can also add a reason while adding the discount in the specified box.
You can also give an overall discount on multiple items. This discount is applied to the grand total of all the items that are in your cart. Discount applied this way are exclusive of tax, meaning that the discount is applied first, and then the tax is calculated on top of it.
To apply an overall discount, add one or more items to your cart in the POS. Once you have added all items to the cart, head to the subtotal section at the bottom.
Click on the edit button (pencil-shaped icon) next to Discount in the lower part of the screen. You will now see a numeric field, along with a drop-down menu.
Select whether you want to give a discount in percentage or amount from the drop-down menu, and enter the value in the numeric field. You can also add a reason when adding a discount here by clicking on the Add Reason button.
Once you're done here, click on the Checkout button to
proceed with the checkout process.
Now on the Payment screen, you can see that an overall discount of $10 has been applied to all items.
Q. How can I apply a discount to specific customer groups?
A. You can apply the same discount to each member in a customer group in
RepairDesk. To know more, please click here.
Q. Can I add a discount on a ticket?
A. Yes. Just head to the Manage Tickets section and open a ticket for editing.
Now enter the amount of the discount you'd like to apply for this item in the numeric field.
When you're all
done, click on the Save Ticket button to save changes.
Q. Can I add a discount to an invoice?
A. Yes, you can add a discount to an invoice. To do so, head to the Manage Invoices section.
Here, you'll need to open an invoice for editing. Find the line item you'd like to apply the discount to, and under the Discount field, enter the amount of the discount you want to give.
Q. Is there an option to hide the "Add Reason" button while entering a discount?
A. Yes, you can hide the Add Reason button
while adding a discount.
Head to the Menu on
the top-right of the screen, then select Store Settings.
From here, go to Module Configuration, and select Point of Sale to open up the POS settings.
At the bottom, you'll find the option Hide Add Reason option for discount with a checkbox next to it. Click on the checkbox to enable this setting.