Settings and Configurations
What is Store type And How it Works?
Store Type Feature The store type feature adds a layer between the Business and the Store. The Business Owners can now differentiate stores that are Company Owned or Franchise. · Store Type Feature works as an umbrella: Multiple Stores under one ...
Send Job Notifications With RepairDesk 2 way emails
With Two Way Emails, when your customers reply to emails sent from RepairDesk, their replies will automatically be added to your mailing list which makes it easy for you to tell the full story of client communication and you can provide even better ...
Two Factor Authentication Process in RepairDesk
Two-factor authentication offers numerous business benefits, including enhanced security and reduced risk of unauthorized access to computers, accounts, or sensitive resources. To provide you with added security for your RepairDesk accounts, we have ...
How to setup & use VAT margin scheme using RepairDesk?
Repairdesk offers the flexibility to activate VAT Margin for specific product categories and the Trade-In section in the POS. By following a few simple steps, you can easily set up VAT Margin in Repairdesk according to your business needs. Activating ...
RepairDesk Franchise Management and Inter Company Invoicing
Franchise Management is a comprehensive system that streamlines the operations of franchises, making it easier for the main store to oversee and manage them. One of the key features of this system is the ability to set up price margins for different ...
How to Manage Additional Items in RepairDesk?
The Manage Additional Items feature, previously known as Device Supplied Items has been updated in RepairDesk! No need to fret when creating a repair ticket. Now you can add additional items based on the repair category and customize these for each ...
How to setup automatic emails against linked statuses?
Setting up the automatic response storewise is great when you are busy or if you’re lucky enough to be going on vacation. Just by managing a few triggers, you can now send automatic email and SMS notifications to customers as well as to employees and ...
How can I add company registration number (ABN, ACN or VAT) on an invoice?
Every business the world over is required by the government to have some form of registration with them. It is one of the pre-requisites for allowing you to operate in a countrry and is bound under the law. Not only does this allow governments to ...
How To Set Up Global Tax?
With RepairDesk you can setup global tax, tax percentage and the option to include it in prices while creating your organization's profile. This will free you from the need to manually setup tax classes for repair parts, sales, accessories etc. The ...
How to add a currency?
RepairDesk provides a list of currencies while setting up a store location. However if you cannot find the specific currency of your country then you can always add a new currency under store settings. Add a Currency To add a currency, 1. Go to ...
How to create or add new store location?
So you have decided to expand your repair business. That's great! RepairDesk allows you to add multiple store locations to accommodate your ever growing business needs. So if you are figuring out how to setup another store location, then you have ...
How can I add and manage Network Carriers?
While creating a ticket you often need to enter network carrier under device details. RepairDesk allows you to select network carrier on details page from a drop down menu. You might be wondering "But where can I add these network carriers and manage ...
How can I add a device location?
Now you don't need to remember where you had placed a customer's smartphone in your repair shop. To keep track of where you have placed customer's phones, we have a feature called Device Location. Through Device Location you can know where customer ...
How can I change decimal separator in RepairDesk?
Representation of international currency can be a tricky task. Though we may think that a currency symbol is enough to distinguish a country's currency, there are other noteworthy aspects as well. While in USA and many other countries such as ...
Dual Tax Rate Support For Canada & Peru
It’s imperative for businesses in British Columbia, Manitoba, Northwest territories, Nunavut, Quebec, Saskatchewan, & Yukon to charge sales tax but display GST & PST separately on an invoice. For example, Company iSumurai is a resident of the ...
How to display time in 12 or 24 hour format in RepairDesk?
Time is usually displayed in two formats: 12 hour or 24 hour format. Some user prefer 12 hour format (for example, 5:15 PM) with AM and PM suffixes while for some users it's a hassle and they prefer 24 hour format (for example, 17:15) which runs from ...
How to update invoice settings?
To update what is displayed on invoice please head to module settings >> invoice
How to Use the Cash Register Module in RepairDesk?
The Cash Register Module in RepairDesk POS ensures that every dollar coming in and going out is accounted for, giving you total visibility over sales, expenses, and cash flow. With automated tracking, controlled access, and seamless reconciliation, ...
How can I manage my purchase order statuses?
Oder Status > Purchase Order Status In Purchase order statuses user can manage their purchase order statuses. User can edit/delete certain status. User can also add new purchase order status by clicking green button on top right.
How can I manage order status ?
Order status order status can be access through Store settings=> order status, click on the desired Module which status you want to create or view. It includes : Ticket Status Purchase order status Inventory transfer status Lead status Trade In ...
How can I manage my suppliers?
Repairdesk allows users to manage their suppliers easily. This article will guide you through the process of setting up suppliers in Repairdesk, including managing supplier details and adding new suppliers to the system. Managing Suppliers To manage ...
How can I change what is displayed on Purchase Orders?
Purchase Order Settings In Purchase order settings, user can make changes to the following: Default payment Terms Default Notes for Purchase Orders Logo for Purchase Orders
How can I update store profile?
To update business information i.e. business name, phone number, website address or ABAN please head to settings >> company settings In case you have multiple stores i.e. Technology Trader you can also use a friendly name in "Alternate name" i.e. ...
How can I update account password?
How to Update Password in Repairdesk? If you need to update the password linked with your RepairDesk account, follow these simple steps: Click on the Settings Menu button and select My Profile from the options. In the left menu, click on My Profile. ...
Enabling Desktop Notification
Desktop notifications not showing in Connect. Reason 1 :Notifications are not permitted in browser To give permissions to Repairdesk for notifications. Navigate to Repairdesk homepage 2. Click on the “lock” icon 3. Turn on the notifications setting ...
How to charge tax on part cost or retail price only?
RepairDesk allows you to charge tax on cost of a part as in a few states such as Florida and Michigan you cannot charge tax on entire labor. For example, there is a repair job of $100. The cost for part is $25 and Tax is 10%. If Tax on Cost Part is ...