Tickets (Old)
Upload Pre/Post Images
The pre/post condition image feature is a valuable addition to RepairDesk, offering a streamlined and efficient way to document the condition of a device before and after repair. This feature allows technicians/shopkeepers to capture images that ...
How to copy the original ticket notes into the warranty repair ticket?
A customer walks in and gave his cell phone to you for repair. After the repair, you gave him 30 days warranty. The customer comes back within the warranty time period and he complains that the device is still not working properly. As the device ...
Billable Hours
Billable hours are the number of hours or time spent on a service according to the hourly rate decided between the customer and the worker. Businesses and agencies charge their customers based on the time spent in performing the service. Workers ...
How to upload attachments on repair ticket?
To keep a record of every repair, you can now add/attach documents with repair tickets. You can upload attachments while creating a ticket or existing ticket as well. You can also send the same attachments to the customer while sending an email to ...
How can I set serial as the default input field when creating a ticket?
While creating a repair ticket from POS or directly from Manage Tickets screen, you are asked to enter device IMEI or Serial Number. It depends upon a business that either they enter serials while booking a repair or in some cases they use IMEI. ...
How Can I Export Repair Tickets To Excel Format?
Now RepairDesk gives you the option to download a record of your repair tickets in the form of an Excel (.xls) file. You can run a search filter of open or completed repair tickets during a certain time frame and export the entire database to Excel ...
Can I Change Service Receipt Layout?
Tired of the monotonous service receipt layouts that you encounter every time you book a repair job? Fret not! RepairDesk has come up with an innovative and thrilling feature that enables you to customize the layout of a service receipt for a ticket. ...
How Can I Export Repair Tickets To Excel Format?
Previously it was not possible to export more than 50 repair tickets at any given time. But now you can run a search filter of open or completed repair tickets during a certain time frame and export the entire database to Excel (.xls) format. To get ...
How Can I Process Warranty Claim for Repair Parts?
Sometimes when you use a part in a repair job it might turn out to be a bad one. Warranty claim for repair parts can be a tricky task. You start wondering if the part used in the repair still has warranty or not. To make it easier for you to handle ...
How to make it compulsory to add pre/post repair device conditions?
A customer walks in and gave his cell phone to you for repair. After the repair, he complains that instead of fixing up one issue, you have created another one! It might be a baffling condition for you. To avoid such unpleasant scenarios and to ...
Enter PIN before an employee can create repair ticket
Some of you wanted us to add a feature where an employee must enter a PIN before they can create a repair ticket. If you are not logged in and someone else uses the point of sale, it will appear that you created the ticket, not the actual person who ...
How to create a repair ticket?
Watch this video to learn how to create your very first repair ticket!
How does RepairDesk calculate profit on a repair?
If you've just started using RepairDesk, you might want to learn how you can associate labor or a spare part in a repair ticket so RepairDesk can automatically work out profit earned on this repair. Before we get started, lets get yourself acquainted ...
How to manage ticket status?
The ticket status feature in RepairDesk allows you to manage and track the progress of your repair orders. It helps you stay organized and informed about the current status of each ticket, ensuring efficient workflow and customer satisfaction. In ...
How to Create RMA for Tickets From the Tickets Screen?
With RepairDesk now you can easily send an RMA for a ticket within the ticket section. This will enable you to quickly generate an RMA invoice and send it if the part for the repair job is faulty or is not working properly. Follow these easy steps ...
How does ticket section works?
Watch this video to learn more about how technicians can see all important data arranged in one place, and complete work order without any effort. Overview With the Managing Tickets feature, repair technicians or shopkeepers gain access to a ...
How can I add Device Location?
You can easily add the location of the device with RepairDesk. This will enable you to know where the device pertaining to a certain ticket has been placed. Go to Manufacturer > Devices > Problems > Parts > Details while generating the ticket. There ...
Ticket Settings
You can change ticket settings by going to Settings >> Module Configuration >> Tickets. You can change settings such as name, email, default SMS no/ name, and supplied items list. You can also apply further settings by selecting check-boxes such as: ...
How do I change ticket numbers?
In order to change ticket number in RepairDesk, follow these steps: 1. Go to Repairs >> Manage Tickets. 2. Open the Ticket whose name you wish to change. 3. Click on Edit Ticket. 4. Click on the Pencil Icon next to the Ticket Number. This will allow ...
Can I get notifications when a Ticket is assigned to me?
Yes, Of course. Employees get an email notifications when a ticket is assigned to them. You can enable/disable email notifications in the settings. 1. Go to Settings > Emails & notifications > Notifications. 2. Switch Emails ON 'A new ticket is ...
Is there a way to show tickets to all employees?
Yes, there certainly is! Just head over to Settings > Module Configuration > Tickets Check the box in front of Display Tickets (assigned or un-assigned) to all employees. Once checked, all tickets can be viewed by all employees.
How to add diagnostic notes to tickets and invoices?
Diagnostic notes is an additional information about repair ticket. They are public notes and can be seen by technicians as well as customers. They are mentioned in invoice as well. You can add diagnostic note from POS while creating a repair ticket, ...
How to add Staff comments?
Staff comments can be useful when you need to include additional information for a job for your technician. These can only be seen by the admin and selected employee. It will show up in your log notes, but not on the customer portal. Staff comments ...
How to re-assign repair ticket to a technician?
In order to re-assign a repair ticket to a technician in RepairDesk, go to Ticket detail page. Click on edit ticket move to assign to Column and select assignee. You can also assign ticket to a technician from the Manage Tickets page. Click on the ...
How to add device pre/post repair condition?
You might be curious if RepairDesk allows customer or a repair shop to select what parts work and don't work and the customer signs agreeing on condition before work is started. Here's how you can add device pre/ post condition in RepairDesk: 1. ...
How to transfer ticket from one store to another location?
Often you take in a repair job and you need it to be transferred to your other store where there is an appropriately qualified technician, part or equipment is available. Well now you can transfer tickets to other store location with a single click ...
How to delete a repair ticket?
In order delete a repair ticket 1. Go to the Manage tickets section in Repairs. 2. Click the Ticket Action button in front of the ticket you want to delete, then select Delete. You'll be warned that the ticket will be permanently deleted. 3. Click OK ...
How can I view complete ticket details?
On the ticket listing page, click on Action button against the ticket you wish to view and select View. This will take you to the ticket details page.
Can I update/ edit an existing ticket's details?
Definitely! You can easily edit or update an existing ticket in RepairDesk. Let us show you how! Steps: 1. Go to Repairs >> Manage Tickets. 2. Click on the Action button against a ticket and select Edit. 3. On the top, user can edit ticket name, ...
Can I send ticket updates to the customer?
Yes, you certainly can. You can update your customer via SMS or email. On ticket detail page, go to Customer Messages at the bottom. You can select from the canned messages or send a customized email/SMS. Canned responses are pre designed emails/SMS. ...
How can I link inventory parts with ticket repair item?
On Create Ticket page, when a repair problem is selected in the device details section, inventory part associated with that repair problem will automatically be displayed under Ticket Items. If no part is associated with that problem you can do it ...
How can I add unlocking device details on new ticket?
In order to add unlocking device details on a new ticket go to Create Ticket page. Under unlocking section add the following details: Network: Select the network the device is locked on from the drop down list. Device Model: Select the device model. ...
How can I add repair device details on new ticket?
On Create Ticket page you can enter repair device details under the Device detail section. You will need to add the following information: Device: You can either select the repair device from the drop down list or you can add new device by clicking ...
How can I add customer information on new ticket?
In order to add new customer information on new ticket, go to Create Ticket page. On top left there's a customer information section. You can also click on Edit Ticket of an existing repair ticket to update customer information. If the ticket ...
Can I search any specific ticket?
Yes, you surely can. 1. Go to Repairs > Manage Tickets. 2. Click on Search Filter to show Filter settings. 3. Apply a filter to search for a specific ticket by narrowing down your search. 3. You can search tickets by applying multiple filters: Search ...
How can I view all the tickets?
You can view all tickets by heading to Repairs > Manage tickets. The stats on top give you a quick glance of your repairs, unlocks and critical jobs. Manage ticket section displays all the tickets with their statuses. You can perform the following ...