Cash In/ Cash Out Report
The Cash In/Cash Out Report in RepairDesk allows users to track and analyze the amounts involved in cash inflow and outflow transactions based on payment type. This report provides valuable insights into the financial activities of your business.
1. Search Filters
Register: Users can select the register for which they want to generate the report.
Type: Users can filter the report by selecting either Cash In or Cash Out transactions.
From Date: Users can specify the starting date from which they want to retrieve data.
To Date: Users can filter the report till a specific date by selecting the end date.
Print: Users can conveniently print the Cash In/Cash Out History Report by clicking the print button.
2. Report Columns
Date: This column displays the date of the manual cash inflow/outflow transaction.
ID: The unique identification number associated with the manual cash inflow/outflow transaction.
Register: The register against which the cash inflow/outflow transaction is made.
Type: This column indicates whether it is a cash inflow or cash outflow transaction.
Amount: For cash outflow transactions, the amount is displayed with a (-) negative sign, while for cash inflow transactions, the amount is displayed with a (+) positive sign.
Payment Type: Displays the payment type, such as Cash, used for the transaction.
Payment Method: This column shows the payment method through which the payment is made.
Reason: Displays the reason for the manual cash inflow/outflow transaction.
Reference Document: Users have the option to view and download any reference document attached to the transaction.
Action: The update button in this column allows users to update the transaction details during a shift.
3. Restrict Employees
within the Roles and Permissions section of RepairDesk, we've introduced a Cash In & Out Permission feature. This empowers you to take charge and customize your employees' access to cash transactions.
With this new permission feature, you have the flexibility to enable or disable access to the Cash In and Out functions. This means you can now tailor the access of your team members according to their roles, ensuring a secure and streamlined operation.
Key Takeaway
Ensure that you have selected the appropriate filters for generating the desired Cash In/Cash Out History Report. This report will help you monitor and track your cash transactions effectively, providing valuable insights into your business's financial activities.
Contact Support
If you have any questions or require further assistance, please visit our website or email us at Our support team is ready to help you with any queries or concerns you may have.