Shift Schedules

Shift Schedules

RepairDesk streamlines shift management by allowing you to efficiently handle daily register activities. With features like opening and closing register shifts, tracking cash counts and other tenders in the till drawer during shift changes, and managing payouts and pay-ins, it ensures smooth transitions between users. The system also supports multiple users operating the same register, facilitates payment adjustments, and provides a detailed shift report with essential data for better financial oversight.

Shift Schedules Video Guide:


How do I enable the Cash Register module in RepairDesk?

To enable the Cash Register module:


Navigate to 9 dots > Store Settings > Cash Registers.

Navigate to Cash Registers

Toggle Cash Register Module ON if it's disabled.

Enable Cash Register Module

How can I create a new virtual cash register in RepairDesk?

To create a new Virtual Cash Register:


Click the + Cash Register button to add a new register.

Add a new Cash Register

Select the associated store and enter a name (e.g., "Counter 2").


Assign the register to one or multiple employees.

Assign employees to Cash Register

Click Save Cash Register to finalize the setup.

Can I have multiple virtual cash registers for different payment terminals?

Yes! If your store has multiple payment terminals or printers, you can create additional virtual cash registers to keep transactions separate.

How do I customize the cash drawer?

Go to Cash Register > Cash Drawer.

Cash Drawer Settings

Modify currency denominations as needed (default is USD).


Add or remove rows to match your store’s cash counting needs.


Click Save Changes to apply the modifications.

What does ‘Hide Over/Short Balance on Closing’ do?

If enabled, employees will not see the balance discrepancy when closing a shift. This can prevent unauthorized adjustments and encourage accountability.

What happens if ‘Make Start/Join Shift Mandatory’ is enabled?

Employees must start or join a shift before processing any transactions. This ensures every sale or payout is recorded against an active shift.

What does ‘Make End Shift Mandatory’ mean?

Employees must close their shift and reconcile the cash register before they can clock out. This prevents missing records and improves cash management accuracy.

What is ‘Display Balance in Cash Register,’ and how does it work?

This setting allows you to maintain a minimum float amount in the cash drawer. The system will not permit closing the register unless this balance is met.

Minimum Float Amount Setting

How can I enable automatic shift closure?

Go to Cash Register > Configuration.


Tap Yes to enable Automatically Close the Shift Register.


Set a specific time (e.g., if your store closes at 6 PM, set closure to 7 PM).

Automatically Close Shift Register

Can multiple employees share the same register?

Yes! If multiple employees use the same register, the system logs each transaction under the respective employee’s name.

Can I track online payments separately?

Yes! If you integrate with WooCommerce or Shopify, you can enable the Online Cash Register to track online payments separately.


Go to Cash Register > Configuration.


Tap Yes to enable the option Use Cash Register to Log Online Payments.

Enable Online Cash Register