How to Enable Repair Categories on POS?
Customers come with various sort of devices: laptops, smartphones, wearable or even X-Box. It is very impractical to differentiate what kind of device a customer has brought at the Manufacturer screen on POS or elsewhere. To better organize devices on POS, we have introduced Repair Category functionality which will allow different products from a single manufacturer to be displayed separately.
The greatest benefit of this feature is that it will facilitate those of you who offer repair services for more than one type of products. So if you are offering repairs for cell phones, tablets, wearable devices, gaming consoles, tablets or even electronics, you can easily categorize your repairs accordingly.
Repair Categories in RepairDesk will enable you to filter repair service according to a specific repair category, so that if you only want to view repair services for Tablets, Repair Categories functionality will display only related repair services. This will help you in viewing only related services instead of searching a needle in a haystack.
Repair Categories:
Repair Category will allow the user to define the type of digital device they have received for repair. By default following options would be available:
Mobile – The device at hand belongs to the cell phone category. For Example: iPhone 7
Tablet – Tablet phones and computers such as iPad etc.
Wearable – Wearable gadgets and smart watches such as Apple Watch series 2
Mac & PC – Personal computers and Mac systems
Game consoles – Gaming consoles such as Xbox 360, PSPs, and Play Station etc.
Dish Washer - Dish Washing Appliances.
Refrigerator - Refrigerating Appliances.
Range - Cooking Range.
Washer - Washing Machines.
Dryer - Drying Machines.
Oven - Microwave Ovens.
However, user can add other categories too if they desire so.
A. How to set this up?
1. Go to Settings
2. Under Module Configuration in the left pane, select View All Repair Categories.
3. You will be taken to Repair Categories page.
4. You will see default Repair Categories offered in RepairDesk. Select the Repair Categories which you want to enable and display on POS. After selection, click on Save (button).

5. Click on Enable button to activate Repair Categories.
6. You can deactivate Repair Categories by clicking on the Disable Button.
Note: You can sort/arrange category and based on the sorting/ arrangement it will appear on POS
B. Edit/ Delete a Repair Category
1. To edit a category, click on Action button against a Repair Category and click on Edit.

2. You will be taken that repair category's page. Add or delete a manufacturer and map devices accordingly (please see attached screenshot). To map devices, select Manufacturer from the drop-down menu. Then, select devices from the drop-down menu under Related Devices.
Note: If you want to charge customer on hourly basis for services provided against this category then you can always check mark the option as shown below. Further details are given in this
knowledge base article.

3. After mapping devices, click on Save (button) to implement changes. Now on POS, only mapped devices will display under relevant manufacturers and repair categories.
4. To delete a Repair Category, click on Action button and select Delete option from the drop-down menu.
C. Repair Category Trigger
To hide a category on POS, disable the trigger "On POS". Similarly, activate the trigger to enable repair category on POS.
D. Add a Repair Category
1. To add a new Repair Category, click on Add Item button on the Repair Categories Main Page.
2. Enter category name.
3. Enable trigger "On POS" to display repair category on POS.
4. You can also upload icon or image for the Repair category.
5. Select Manufacturers from the drop down menu and map related devices accordingly.
6. Finally, click on Save button to add new repair category.
Enabled categories will display on POS. To book a repair job, first select a Repair Category, then Manufacturer, Device and, finally, enter device details.

F. View Categories alongside Repairs under Manage Repair Services
Once you've implemented Repair Categories and mapped them, you will be able to see repair services along with their respective categories under Manage Repairs (please see attached screenshot).

Q. How to restrict users to add/edit repair categories on POS?
A. You can restrict users to add/edit repair categories on POS by disabling the permission under the employees roles and permission section.
Settings > Employees > Manage roles permission

Q. How can I disable this functionality?A. Go to Settings>> Module Configurations>> View All Repair Categories and click on Disable button. Now Repair Categories won't show up on POS and you will see only Manufacturers. Q. Can I add Repair Categories from Point-of-Sale (POS)?A. Definitely! You can add a new Repair Category directly from POS. Just click on "+ Category" button to create a new category. A pop-up screen will be displayed where you can enter Category Name, select Manufacturers and map-related Devices. 
POP after clicking Add Category:
Note: You can also mark the category as billable hour category from POS
Q. Can I update multiple repair services with their respective repair categories in one go? A. Sure you can. Once you have enabled Repair Categories, you can add repair categories to multiple repair services via Repair Services CSV file. All you need to do is:
1. Go to Manage Repairs.2. Click on Import Inventory (button) and select Export Inventory. A CSV file of repair services will be downloaded to your system. 3. Under the Category column in the Repairs CSV file, add repair categories corresponding to their respective repair services (see attached screenshot).
4. Once all changes are made, Import the Repairs CSV file. Repair Services will be updated with their respective Repair Categories.
Q. Can I associate a manufacturer with category from POS?
A.Yes you can associate manufacturer with category through POS, click on add manufacturer, if manufacturer already exists in the system then you will be allowed to map manufacturer and device against that category.
Manufacturer will be auto selected and user can Map devices aganist it.