Creating a ticket from Point Of Sale

Creating a ticket from Point Of Sale

With RepairDesk’s Point of Sale (POS), you can create a ticket in seconds—capturing customer details, device issues, and repair estimates all in one place.

Video Guide:


How can I make an invoice for an existing Repair Ticket using POS?

To make an invoice using an existing Repair Ticket:

  • Scan or Enter Ticket ID in the search bar
  • Tap on Checkout 
How can I add or update customer information from POS?
1. Click the plus sign on the POS screen to add a new customer (first or last name is required).
2. Enter the customer details in the relevant fields and click Save to store them.To edit
3. On the POS screen, click the dropdown menu in the Customer section (default: Walk-in Customer). Start typing the customer’s name and select it.
4. The selected customer will appear on POS. Tap on the 3 dots to reveal a dropdown, tap Edit.
5. Update details , click Additional Details to enter more info like address (optional) and click Save.

(Learn more)

How can I enable Repair Categories on POS?
To enable Repair Categories
1. Go to 9 dots > Store Settings> Under 
Module Configuration in the left pane, select View All Repair Categories
2. You will be taken to Repair Categories page.
3. You will see default Repair Categories offered in RepairDesk.
4. Select the Repair Categories which you want to enable and display on POS. After selection, click on Save (button). 

How can I set up Self Check in?
Go to 9 dots > Integrations > Customer Facing Display > Self Check in configuration.
How can I print mini receipt, ticket label or full invoice?
You can print via POS, Ticket Listing and Invoice Listing.
How can I take a Split Payment?
A split payment can be done via POS.  (Learn more)