How does the POS section work?

How does the POS section work?

The Point of Sale (POS) feature in RepairDesk allows you to easily book repair jobs, sell items, and handle trade-ins or casual purchases from one convenient screen. This documentation will guide you through the various functions and options available in the POS feature.

To access the POS feature, log in to your RepairDesk account and navigate to the main dashboard. Look for the "POS" option and click on it.


For unlocking a device, click on Unlock tab.


To add products, click on Products tab.


To add trade-ins, click on Trade In tab.

You can add customer details by clicking the plus sign in front of the customer name. A new popup will appear to add all relevant customer information.

Customer Details Popup

You can also enable SMS or email feature for the specific customer.

Outstanding Balance Alert:

When a user adds or loads a customer in the POS, check if there is any outstanding balance or flagged notes for that customer.

Outstanding Balance Alert

If there is an outstanding balance or flagged notes, it will display an alert popup. If user clicks on the 'Outstanding Balance', the system will redirect the user to the invoice listing page.


Automatic Filters:

  • Apply filters automatically on the invoice listing page based on available customer details.
  • If the customer has an email, apply the filter for that email.
  • If the email is not available, apply the filter based on the phone number.
  • If neither email nor phone number is available, search invoices based on the customer name.

Invoice Status Filter:

  • Apply filters for invoice status to show unpaid and partially paid invoices.

Let's take an example, you want to repair a tablet. Click on the "Tablet Repair" button to add a device.

Tablet Repair

Click "Apple" or any other company from which your device belongs.

Select Brand

Suppose it's iPad 9. Click on "iPad Pro 12"

Select iPad

Select relevant service. Costs here are preset by you.

Select Service

Click "NEXT STEP". Note: Now you can also skip Part selection by enabling a trigger in module configuration.


If you want to add any part then Click "ADD PART"

Add Part

If it's in your inventory then click on inventory item, otherwise click "SPECIAL PART ORDER" to purchase from outside.

Special Part Order

Add relevant details for your part.

Part Details


Next Step

Add relevant details of the device.

Add Device Details

If the device is locked by a passcode, click “Passcode” and enter it. If it's locked by pattern, click “Pattern Lock”, draw the pattern, then click “Save”.

Passcode or Pattern Lock

Click the “Diagnostic Note” field and add any necessary notes.

Diagnostic Note

Repair charges are calculated automatically, but you can adjust them as needed.


Click “Device Pre-Repair Condition Checklist” to add condition details.

Pre-Repair Checklist

Use dropdowns (pass/fail) to quickly add condition, or capture/upload condition images.

Condition Dropdowns

Click on the three dots and select “In-take customer signature” to collect signatures.

Use your iPad or mouse to capture signatures.


Click “I accept terms and conditions” and hit “Save”.


Click on three dots and select “Manage Custom Fields”. Check desired fields and click “Save Changes”.

Manage Custom Fields

Click “CONFIRM”. The order will appear on the left.

Confirm Order

Click “Checkout” to complete the transaction. This will generate a repair ticket, send an SMS and email to the customer, and allow receipt printing.


Click “Confirm” if everything looks good. You can print thermal receipts, stickers, or invoices from here.

Final Confirm


Q: How to Turn Off Outstanding Customer Balance Popup?

The "Hide Outstanding Balance Alert on POS" trigger is available under the module configuration of POS.

Settings > Module Configuration > POS

POS Module Config

When you enable this trigger, the outstanding alert popup will not be displayed on POS when a customer with an outstanding balance is added or loaded.