Employee Clock-In and Clock-Out

Employee Clock-In and Clock-Out

With RepairDesk's Clock-In & Clock-Out module, you can streamline time tracking, enforce mandatory check-ins, simplify payroll calculations and ensure accountability—all within your POS system.

Video Guide:


How can I make clock in/out mandatory for my employees?

To enforce clock-in and out for your employees, you need to enable the "Mandatory clock in and out" permission for the employees within the clock-in and out tab in the employee's roles and permissions section.

Go to 9 dots > Store Settings > Employees > Manage Roles Permissions > + Clock_In_Out and check the relevant triggers

What is an access pin and how can an employee set it?

An access PIN is a 4-digit code used to clock in or out in RepairDesk

You can update the access pin by following these steps:

  1. Going to Settings > Employees > Manage Employees.

  2. Choose an employee, click on the Action button against the employee, and click on Edit.

  3. Enter the new access pin in the Roles & Access section and hit Save. (Learn more)

How can I switch profiles?
  1. From the 9 dots menu tap Switch User

  2. Choose Employee Name from the drop down menu and add Access Pin

How is employee payroll calculated?

Employee Payroll is calculated by multiplying an employee's Hourly Rate by the number of hours the employee has worked. Working Hours are calculated by the difference between when the employee clocked into the system and when he/ she clocked out. (Learn more)

How can I delete a clock-in/out entry?
  1. Navigate to the Relevant Report (Employee Timesheet or Employee Payroll Report)

  2. Locate the Entry

  3. Click "Delete"

  4. A pop-up will appear asking, “Are you sure you want to delete this time entry?” Optionally, enter a reason in the provided text box for the deletion.

  5. Confirm Deletion by clicking Confirm to delete the entry.

  6. The deleted entry will no longer appear in the report and the total hours will be recalculated and reflected accordingly.

  7. A deletion log will appear in Employee Activity Log

Who can delete clock-in/out entries?

Only employees with the Delete Clock In/Out Entries permission can perform this action.

To grant this permission:

  1. Go to 9 dots > Store Settings> Employees > Manage Roles and Permissions > Clock In_Out.
  2. Enable the permission for the relevant role and save.
Can I undo a deletion?

No, deletions cannot be undone. Ensure to review the entry before confirming deletion. Use the reason text box to provide context for the change if needed.

How to add notes to clock in/ out or break entries?

Method 1:

From the POS screen while clocking in, click the add note button in the pop up:

Method 2:

From the Employee Time Sheet tap Add Clock in/out record

Click +Notes and add the relevant note You can view the added notes in the notes column of the Time Sheet.

Can I edit notes?

Go to Action > Update Tap the pen icon on the added note to edit: