Closing a Repair Ticket in POS

Closing a Repair Ticket in POS

You can easily close repair tickets from the POS by simply scanning the ticket label to auto-fill repair details. You also have the option to add upsells, apply discounts accept split payments and print or email a professional invoice—all in just a few clicks. 

Video Guide:


Can I take multiple/split payments for one invoice?

Yes, you can! If you have multiple payment methods added you can split the invoice amount for a single invoice.

How can I add a payment method in RepairDesk?
To add a new payment method in RepairDesk:
  1. Go to 9 dots> Store Settings and select Payment Methods

  2. Click the +New button to create a new payment method.

  3. Choose whether to enable or disable the payment method for checkout.

  4. Click Save to finalize the payment method.

Ensure the payment method is enabled for checkout if you want it available during transactions.

(Learn more)

Can you delete and/or edit a ticket once invoice is generated?

You can delete and/or edit a ticket once invoice is generated if the following triggers in Module Configurations > Tickets are turned off.

Can you auto create an invoice on ticket creation?

Yes, you can!

  1. Go to 9 dots > Store Settings > Module Configurations > Point of Sale

  2. Turn on the trigger to Auto Create Invoice on Ticket Creation

  3. Tap Save

How can I view invoices that are generated from tickets?

You can view invoices generated from tickets or without tickets by selecting the Reference criteria from the Select Criteria dropdown.

  1. Navigate Repairs > Manage Invoices

  2. Click on the Select Criteria dropdown and choose Reference.

  3. Select the desired option from the reference dropdown.

  4. Click the Search button to view the filtered results.

How can I add internal notes to an invoice?
  1. Go to Manage Invoices.

  2. Click Create Invoice or select an existing invoice to update.

  3. Add internal notes under the Private Comments tab.

To restrict employees from editing internal notes:

  1. Go to 9 dots > Store Settings > Employees > Manage Roles and Permissions.

  2. Navigate to the Invoices section.

  3. Disable the Change Internal Notes permission.

  4. Click Save Changes.

Once disabled, employees will no longer be able to modify internal notes on invoices.

How can I restrict employees from changing item prices on an invoice?
  1. Go to 9 dots > Store Settings > Employees > Manage Roles and Permissions.

  2. Navigate to the Invoices section.

  3. Disable the trigger "Change Price & Tax".

  4. Click Save Changes.

Now, employees assigned to this role will not be able to modify item prices or tax on invoices.

How can I take a single payment for multiple invoices?

To process a single payment for multiple invoices in RepairDesk:

  1. From the Invoice Listing, select the unpaid invoices you want to mark as paid.

  2. Click on the Bulk Actions button and select Mark As Paid.

  3. A pop-up screen will appear where you can enter payment details, including payment method, date, and notes.

  4. Click Save to apply the payment to all selected invoices.

  5. (Learn more)

Can I update multiple invoices at once?

Yes, you can!

  1. From the Invoice Listing, select the invoices you want to update
  2. Click on the Bulk Actions button and select to:
    • Delete Invoices
    • Mark Invoices as Paid
    • Print Invoices
    • Send Reminders

(Learn more)

Can I create a duplicate invoice?
  1. From the Invoice Listing, select the invoice you want to clone
  2. Tap on the 3 dots
  3. Choose to Clone Invoice

A copy of the chosen invoice will be made. Edit the cloned invoice as needed and click Save.

Note: The cloned invoice is treated as a distinct invoice. Any modifications made to the cloned invoice will not affect the original invoice. (Learn more)

How can I add/edit customer to an invoice?

You can add an existing or new customer from the customer field on Invoice page.